Lunar Event datamined, big update

And this gorgeous looking mount;

I’m guessing there’ll be a new daily box to open for a chance at that mount, new dungeon for the event like a lot of other events? No way that’ll be off a vendor… :thinking:

Or in all likelihood a store mount… :grimacing:


Please no lol or could be part of the 12 month sub?

Nah, doubt it… shaded out mount looks like a Cobra.


Thanks for the pic , i so hope it not store or a 0.1% drop would do my head in.

Seeing it listed on WoWHead’s big list of datamined mounts as being off a vendor.

That must be a mistake, looks too good to be off a vendor for Blizz to allow. They’ll probably make it cost an obscene amount of coins. :stuck_out_tongue:

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Just do it 50 times a day to farm it, ez

ALT ARMY… Assemble!

Personally I’m not a fan of the Chinese looking stuff… I get why it’s what it is but… :neutral_face:

Neither am I tbh. I’d much rather get some nelf-looking stuff.

Well, it IS a Chinese New Year event…

It looks good given the unique stuff usually ends up on the store, the fact it’s in game is decent.

It’s just new collectibles to buy, the event itself is the same, yeah?

That mount is to hi ress to be anything but a store mount

It is Chinese year of snake, so yeah…

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