Lunar Festival - 9th February

The Hand of Cenarius will come, if only to uphold old traditions of the kaldorei.

Horde supporters, beware…


Aw, and I’ll miss this…

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I don’t support the Horde, I AM The Horde! Hoh hoo!

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You are a lovely rice bun, that’s what you are.

The Lunar Festival in-game event has started today!

Green and blue dragon costumes have been added to this year’s rewards + Lunar Elder’s Hearthstone:

If you missed out on them last year, be also sure to check out the cute flower crowns.


FYI HandyNotes - Lunar Festival has been updated some hours ago. I just tested it and the AddOn seems to work in BfA, marking the location of the Elders on the map.

Requires HandyNotes to work (updated 4 days ago):

EDIT: Handynotes - Lunar Festival seems a bit bugged once you move to the Eastern Kingdoms (did not show all the coins). I was suggested Candy Buckets instead:


I have received some questions about hosting the event during an intense faction war; who would be welcome, who would not and why?

It is trying war times but seeing there were people interested in a Lunar Festival event, I decided make one for this year too. At first I was considering making an Alliance-only Lunar Festival like the previous years led by a Priestess of the Moon. Looking at good location options though, in the end I decided to go for Moonglade, and organise something in tune with the original description of the Lunar Festival on Wowpedia.

We know Malfurion is one of the leaders of the Cenarion Circle, and I doubt that the druids of the Cenarion Circle approve of Sylvanas’ war methods and the burning of Teldrassil. Yet because the Cenarion Circle consists of different races (such as night elves and tauren) and they work together with the Earthen Ring that also consists of different races, it made sense to keep this event as Neutral by faction with invitation extended to Cenarion Circle friendly people. The beginning of the announcement has been updated to better convey this.

I cannot bar anyone from entering the zone, only ask that people give thought to if this is something their character would, and could easily, attend with the NPC presence of the zone.

That said once the event concludes, I do not mind if there were some sparks flying around, for example if people spot someone they think a spy. Just try be considerate towards the organising of the event and the majority of players attending with your actions, is all I ask.


Agamaggan! Ghroaaah! you can bet your idle druid arses this orc will come for this contest, even if the Great Boar, the Bramblemane, the Devourer of a thousand demons have to grant him a vision through too much consumption of Briarthorn, ol’ Frak will come and he’ll claim that figurine for his boys to fight over.


Can’t wait for this year’s celebrations, I was hoping that these events would continue after the destruction of Teldrassil! I’m glad to see I wasn’t wrong!


Looking forward to this!

Also, this seems to be PACKED with content, which is great! However, is it all going to happen in one day? Will some of the events happen parallel to eachother, or have their own time slot?

Either way, will be there and provide some angry glares at the Horde!


Welcome Frak & Armor!

And hey Nera! Happy to see you about and looking forward to the event!

This is all going to happen in one day, yes! It might sound like a lot of things as a whole, but the tribute to Elune is part of welcoming people to the event, and handing out fortune cookies shouldn’t take too long. Those two happenings aside there are 3 actual contests to entertain people for a few hours. Based on previous festivals & tournaments that I’ve hosted, three games/contests are generally not too much or too little timewise granted things proceed as planned. :slight_smile: Thanks for the question!


Like the past two years, this Gnome will be there again as a vendor! Though this time he’ll be selling ice cream themed treats (and more!) around the festival, whether it’s flavour or style.


Can’t wait to see the selection you come up with! :sparkles: :ice_cream: :sparkles: Thank you and welcome!


As an ex-Cenarion Troller, I find it suitable to attend! And… Very welcomed. Already burned out by the faction war, save Azeroth! swings a flag with Magni’s smiling face as the logo


This seems like a great initiative, looking forward to it ^^

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Sounds awesome! I would like to attend as would my guild if at all possible!

Guild: The Hilted Blade
Number of participants: 4

Hopefully we’ll see you all there!

No sign-ups needed - if you think it is appropriate for your characters & guild to attend, welcome!

And to add to Nerathion’s question earlier, all 3 games will have their own time slot. People who wish to join the Costume Contest will be given time to transmog into the costume before the judging.

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Awh rats. Probably not able to make it on the Saturday. Such a shame, was hoping to throw up some Argent representation up there. Hopefully the stars align and I’ll be able to show regardless, it looks wonderful as always Acrona.

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I can’t wait for this event! I always seem to miss them! I know you’re not probably not taking suggestions but I thought it might be cool if there was a pilgrimage at the end of this years Lunar Festival? Moonglade to Nordrassil? I thought it might be a nice addition because of what happened to Teldrassil! Probably won’t work but just had to share it!


Though a pilgrimage with lunar lanterns and lights would look amazing, I am afraid there won’t be time for it after all the other activities already planned for the event. :slight_smile: But thanks for sharing your idea!

Fingers crossed!