Lunar mount no longer removed from 6 month sub

Is it overly cynical to suggest that the missing tick error is “accidentally on purpose” so that players sign up for 12 months when they’d otherwise only sign up for 6?

The third picture shows a mount with 180 on it which translates to 6 months .that’s the only new mount I’m seeing which is present in 12 and 6 months both .

I think Store mounts should be awarded for continuous subscription, not for paying upfront.
I have been on the monthly sub plan for 15 years, but I never got a loyalty reward.
They should make it so you get a mount for every 6 continuous months you have been subbed, AFTER those 6 months, instead of this paying upfront and get rewards now buisness.

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That would make sense in terms of loyalty.
But Blizzard cares more about an influx of cash right then and there, unfortunately.

Yeah I get it, but the irony of it is that they make the most money off the monthly plan as it is the most expensive, so long term it would be more profitable too.

not really .a monthly sub person is more prone to let their subscription lapse when they are not having fun as compared to a person who paid for 6 or 12 months and is now just playing because otherwise it will be waste of money

From a buisness point of view its a great idea, i get that, but its poor appreciation of loyal customers. If i am subbed for 6 continuous months on the monthly plan, why am i less valuable than the guy who paid the same 6 months up front? They can keep the 6 and 12 month plans for all i care, i just wish they would show the monthly subscribers the same appreciation, give the upfront guy the rewards upfront, but give the monthly guy the same rewards retroactively, that way, if someone is subbed for 6 months they get rewarded, if they break their sub streak, they dont get rewarded. 6 months is 6 months.

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That is a fair point and yeah that should work

There’s you’re answer.

There is no “appreciation of loyal customers” when it comes to things involving money.
No where.

The reason why we get a discount for more then one month is because of planability.
So if you are only paying for each month, you could stop every month. But with multiple months at once Blizzard knows how much money they are going to get.

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Mount’s back, baby.

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