Good morning chaps and chapesses.
So, here’s the scoop: If you’re coming out of Dragonflight looking for a fresh start in The War Within, looking for like minded casual players to level with, run dungeons with, hit cap with, and looking to get into raiding, mythic+ and all the other endgame loveliness but your current guild isn’t quite hitting that spot for you? You just have that itch to have a do over and have actual fun while doing it?
Then joining the Loonies might work for you. I’m not going to sugarcoat it, this guild is braaaand new. I’ve been playing pretty much consistently since 2004 and have seen many guilds and friends come and go, and the guild I’m in right now? Hmm. Just isn’t clicking for me. So, I wanted my own thing. But I’m still a social animal, and it’s been a while since I’ve done my own thing, so this is it.
So, if you want a drama free, casual, login when you like, do the content you like, with friendly people around you and no pressure? Then maybe this will be for you too.
If so, look for Lunatics Convention in the guild finder or find me ingame (Layriann, Vortress, Nyrisia or one of a huge army of alts. Eh, guild finder is your best bet!)
Hope to see some of you in the near future.