Lust/Hero For DPS Warriors

Not sure if this has been discussed before but wouldn’t it make sense and isn’t it time DPS Warriors got a Blood Lust/Hero. Recently, Ret, that already had decent party utility got a Cres, making them even more appealing in M+.

Although Warriors pump dps, they don’t really bring much to the party. No dispell, no sooth, no rez/crez, no real hard CC.

I’d say it actually make sense within the class fantasty for them to have BL/Hero - they’re Warriors leading a charge in to battle? Right?

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Lust is so spread at this point it wont help.

Bring back Warriors banners.

It would take you less than a glanse, to see the multitude of posts hammering on this point. Usually called “give warrior utility”, “give warrior heroism” or “Warrior got nothing!”

Feel free to add your two cents there, but I am sad to say - basically, it is the same tune repeated over and over.

Two camps, the ‘warrior don’t need more utility on top of its myriad of tools already’ and the ‘I am not invited to groups, it must be my lack of utility - it got to be, it can’t be me!’

So in short, this is just a repeat beating of an already dead horse. Rest of the arguments for and against can be found en infinitum plastered all over this warrior section of the forum.

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Storm Bolt
Rallying Cry
Intimidating Shout
Battle Shout
Spell Reflect

Tbh. The main reason I dont bring a lot of “dps warriors” when I tank, is due to the frontloaded damage burst - and sometimes because the warriors I do end up getting refuse to drop 1% dps talents to gain some CC and Utility.

This is true and real. Even bring up the actual numbers, and they will ‘reee’ and scream. Tear their hear out. It is just one of those things. Then bash you in whispers for 10 minutes straight, telling you all things about yourself that you did not know of before.

I am surprised that warriors frontloaded burst is a problem tho. When warriors as a class is one of the weaker burst specs out there. Especially Fury without Odyn’s Fury meme build. I do know that warrior struggle with TPS, yet that is what it is. Could be intersting if you explained that in more detail, as I never had that issue as a warrior DPS or as a tank. Perhaps it is a key level issue or player, instead of class?

I started to ask warriors I invite, “Is that your m+ build?” when I see they got no Shockwave and/or inti shout. Then, if the say yes - and the comp needs the AoE stops, I kindly ask them to talent into them. If they disagree, I started to just kick them.

Next warrior in line almost always bring shockwave, so save yourself the bad experience and just bring the next player when that happens.

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