Lv1 Starter sets will be GONE on Nov 2nd


In case anyone missed it:

Still a pointless change, anyhow.


Still not green, still can’t be mogged, still a half-arsed change. I weep into my worgen starting robes as I’m whisked away to put on big boy armor.


Says they’re finding a way to keep them in

Meanwhile WoD crafted gear stages were promised to be re-added… a year ago

Still waiting


I’m missing so many pieces.

I really hope that they will remove transmog restrictions. Some of the grey and white items look so good! People still use them for role play.


instead of removing them Blizz should add way more to transmogs, including grey and white ones! Many are really good (and way to many got lost in Cataclysm).

The amount of cosmetics that are–for some inane reason–not moggable is ridiculous. Within reason (excluding tier sets), I really don’t see the issue with transmogging pieces from other armour types. So what if my hunter wants to wear a hat?


I agree; I also - to an extent; would LOVE limitless moggabability for armor types. As with the new SL “armors”; they have no armor class and are simply cosmetic.

As I feel cloth users suffer most of this in RP; give me proper armored mages dagnabit! :fire::hammer:


I definitely did not make a hunter variant of Obahar just to be able to have him be able to wear something more sturdy looking than tissue paper. Nope.


The most optimal change would be to make common and poor items transmoggable. It does not matter in the long run, and will make everyone happy. Especially Pandaren RPers.

Blizzard will never read this, and this will never happen. We will now collectively take the L, and whinge to alleviate stress.


Well, they won’t be gone forever, they’ll be added in a different way according to Blizzard.

Much like many things of the past.

Surely some day within the next 10 years Blizz will totally definitely for sure make good on this promise ( do not count on it )


Just like they said we’d get the WoD crafted gear stages back over a year ago, right?

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Correct. As you can see, I am not a Blizzard employee and cannot tell you another answer other than what has been supplied to the communities.

I managed to make loads and loads of level 1’s on my alt account the night before patch dropped and let out a sigh of relief knowing I have all of the original looking starter gear (Goblin sets, Draenei sets, Blood Elf sets, Worgen sets).

However I would like to see them simply add a vendor for it and make all of the clothing greens.

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Apparently, the starting sets for worgen (and I’m assuming the same is the case for goblins and pandaren) do not get replaced. Being a race that goes to one of the phased starter zones might have something to do with it. I made a brand new Worgen just now, and the starter gear was the pre-9.1.5 stuff.

A shame the same is not the case, but at least those ones remain obtainable to this day.

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