Lvl 80 Dungeon Rep

I am looking to do some rep for old factions (for the exalted 100 achievement.)

Which of the dungeons which class as a “level 80 dungeon” give the best rep reward when wearing a rep-tabard.

Doing “halls of lightning” on repeated normal runs is yielding only about 6 rep per mob. So if there is an alternative that can be run on normal which rewards more, that would be good to know.


When I was grinding rep, Mechanaar and Botanica, but mostly Mechanaar were my go-to places. They still give only 6 rep / mob, but it’s pretty fast to blaze through. I often ran into the hourly instance reset limit when running Mechanaar only, so I alternated to Botanica a few times.

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Thanks for the reply, I went to try those out and they unfortunately don’t count as lvl 80 dungeons. I may be forced to stick to WOTK dungeons, but none of them seem like good options and their mob amounts are pretty poor or have long speaking parts in them.

Oh, right, they’re 70. Sorry!

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No problem! I am going to experiment with some WOTK ones on heroic as that rewards 15 to 20 rep a kill. If I can find one where I can kill a lot of trash mobs (without killing any bosses) then I’ll farm it hard, reset, do it again, repeat.

Yeah, it mostly means WOTLK heroics (and the originally max level WOTLK normals). It’s quite confusing.

But what’s even more confusing to me is how MoP dungeons give reputiations for the Cataclysm tabards, but not all mobs and bosses, only around half of them.

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Yes it’s confusing and quite limited where you can rep them up :frowning: Would prefer if I could have ran botanica, it seemed a better option with more trash mobs. Oh well.

Well I am mostly done with the first rep - albeit on a slow moving warlock. I am going between the two dungeons outside Ulduar, in heroic mode. But I’m careful of one of them which has a wandering boss near the start - I don’t want to lock it.

I’m going to do the other three factions I have in mind on my dark iron dwarf hunter (she has the indoors speed boost, aoe arrow spam and the talent speed buffs selected.)

One thing I noticed is… if my pet kills a mob, I get no rep. So I’m keeping pets stowed.

Best place to gain rep what i have seen/gotten is Utgarde Pinnacle. on normal. it takes about 10 mins to clear the entire place and its fast in and out type of dungeon. You should try that if this ever gets to you

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