M+ and pvp should be combined

Just combine the two. Fixed. A dungeon where instead of trying to beat the timer, you are trying to beat the other team to each of the bosses fighting through hordes of mobs.

Boss room locks when engaged ofc.

no thanks…



Mode gets introduced, and the very next day dozens of threads appear “I can´t even complete a +2 because I´m facing groups of full 639 players”

No, thank you, PvP is PvP and PvE is PvE, and there is no reason the 2 should ever need to be combined, as it only makes the PvE experience even more toxic than it’s already percieved to be by many.


what on earth are you on about ?

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Nope, keep that nonsense from PvP.

I hate M+.


How about fighting the boss AND an enemy team of players at the same time?

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Boss invasions!

Alliance team gets ready to fight the boss and suddenly a few buffed horde players appear to fight at the boss’ side! Players must defeat the boss AND the players to win

Make it happen! Can’t wait to make M+ sweatbabies rage <3

As a Brawl event, why not. Otherwise, please stop asking to divide even more the communities available.

Pvp have already 7 - 9 different options, resulting in a struggle to just find people for 1 mode. If you add another one, you split even more the small pool of player that is left.