M+ bolstering week

Well, how about people that like to do m+ for fun? Thabks ti those affixes they enjoy game less more for whole week, just because reasons…

Dont get me wrong, im all for challenge, but this is play annoying in some dungeons where u are afraid to pull one pack because you know how it will end.

This is same boring as necro, when tank becomes just kiting simulator.

skittish is a non affix if you invite hunter / rogue.
Bolstering is pretty simple on fortified if you have a good group which you need for pushing keys anyways.

I would say this week is pretty good to go high. Well some dungeons are better than other obviously but generally not the worst week


I just tanked a +15 workshop, didn’t have a problem holding aggro. No rogue or hunter in the party. Had a DK that stood in all kinds of aoes though and had to reset the 3rd boss because everyone died except me.

If the party dies to bursting more than once or twice, I leave the groups, lmao.

Yea yea we all already know u are the best healer tank and dps under sun, and you leave every other key just because you have the very worst party every time, totaly there isnt problem with you but rather with those 101048151385 randoms u played with.

Now, could u tell us something new?


Bolstering could be fun if you could remove it somehow, like dispel/soothe removes 1 stack or something.

Theorycrafting like using bolstering to boost up a spotter in Siege that then uses collateral damage to kill the other mobs is brilliant gameplay, it becomes a way to use your enemies weapons against them, its fun.

But having 1 guy barrage or something inside tol dagor and boost up an ashvane jailer to 30-40x bolstering with no interaction outside of making a raidboss is just so tiresome.

Easy week, just need to make sure you don’t ninja pull.

Been ages since I’ve tanked a bolster week! Just pull 1 pack a time and mark big elites for prio yeah? And don’t invite any DH this week

Sots, smooth run, tank pulled sensibly everybody was swapping, to make sure all adds were getting relatively low together. :grin::grin:

I want to know your hunters and rogues because mages demon hunters and anyone who insta proc TD takes agrro from my dk.

We are now in state when tanks (no warriors) must hold agrro with <100k dps while dps doing 600k. Wardens are pretty much mandatory essence for pugging and ye skittish doesnt help it either.

Nah I just bring a rogue and cancel this affix

I rarely drop agro, i dont run sotw major, so thats it. Hunters and rogues helps a ton but unless its one of those DHs that pop eye beam+iris or get straight TD proc before i get at least two globals its rather fine.

Also if your DPS is doing 600k dps while u are below 100k something is wrong with you or you play with some extra good dps


That druids are better than I though my dh and dk definitely cant go above 100k on average pulls without procing TD. And what I can see in youtube videos none of these specs doing above 100k without TD :man_shrugging:

Whats that? Good dps whos wait to do dmg before you take aggro or they are afking?

I won’t be losing aggro with the damage I’m doing. First pull in freehold, 400k dps.

Well, in first place, DH is probably worst tank when it comes to AOE thread ( if he isnt lucky with coruption procs) second, there arent that much specs doing 600+k dps, and even if they do those numbers there have to be enough mobs for it, and in such pulls im never under 100k, without TD…

With TD or without TD thats main question. If without than I should reroll but if with TD than random proc isnt reliable source of threat

My anima establishes the threat, not TD. I pull all 3 packs and then use anima and CDs. Anima hits 110-120k~ on everything.

Freehold first pull as example mages capping 1 mill dps in fort weeks. Others doing around 600k and my dk cap 100k without TD procs maybe a little more with runes weapons but it dont last long.

Your random mage doesnt do 1m tho, i play with fire friend and hes doing like 700k there, on fort weeks, wish others did 600k its more 300 in my experience, sadly, im usualy at like 150-200k thers, with incarn up ofc.