M+ Boost Group


I am looking to join, or form a M+ boost group. I have the experience of nearly 400 boost runs during MoP, and early WoD both in various raid modes and, CMs.

I currently play Warlock, but since we are in the lowest DPS tier at the moment, I am willing to play a top tier class. I have 3 level 110 classes of top tier DPS/Tank as follows which I can speed level, and then quickly gear up for this task.

  • Outlaw Rogue

  • Havoc Demon Hunter

  • Protection Warrior

I pretty much play all day every day, and my plan is to allow 1-2 weeks to find interests before I decide which character to level up.

Please feel free to post here, or contact me via Capricorn#2243.

With regards,

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