M+ DF season 1 timers are way too short

Tyranical Azure Valts and Fortified Temple of Jade Serpent are :poop:
Halls of vallor timer is to tight. 10 deaths and the dungeon won’t be timed(When Odin says well done champions he must jump right away from the throne). The balance in DF season 1 is not existent.
Advisor Melandrus role play can be removed. Opening the gate is more than enough

No, they should not. Spaming keys only for gearing is not what the spirit of m+ is about. It is about a challenge, learning strats, improving as an individual and as a group and not just outgearing every kind of content.
Saying that you only get 405 is just BS. You get a potential huge Item every week from vault and you can upgrade items you get from m+ with valor points.

You get enough gear to outgear your kind of content, that is for sure. If you wanna have a Gear Progression as fast as the World First Raider, you won’t and you never will, nor you should get that. There is now a baseline of Gear Progression through Profession and if you want it faster, you gotta work for it.

No one wants to remove the challenge
 Go and play your 30+ keys and leave people who just want to have fun alone

They forced the way the 0.1% “enjoy” this game down on people who don’t want to have that challenge.

The second statement couldn’t be further away from reality too. RWF raiders will have max gear week one as they put more effort into this game than anyone else and they will continue to get max gear week one, regardless of how hard they design the content.

The only people who suffer are casuals. DF m+ scaling is dog s***.

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