M+ improvement

I have played Mistweaver since MoP, doing OK with alt stuff mainly, but now I’ve grown to love the playstyle and flexibility. I have gotten 2500 rated since DF but now am “stuck” around the 2700 mark. 12s seem like a large step up. I tried the “normal” stuff, watching videos and reading guides and whatnot, but I can’t seem to crack a 12, and very few pugs seem to want my mistweaver at this stage.

What advice can you give me to improve? As I feel like I am not doing well this season, even though I beat my PB?

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Honestly you may as well write this season off - its almost over and people trying 12’s now aren’t (how to phrase it) the pick of the crop.

One of the big problems with this season was the jump from 11 to 12. It was extremely unforgiving and made people extra cautious (so they only took the meta healers).


If you want i can try and help you out with yours 12s. Ive got 2 tanks at 3050 and 3150 io

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Sure feel free to add me to b-net Elric#22361

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Theres always been certain levels where theres a big jump. Like original 10+ with fort or tyr or when seasonal affixes started.

Just keep going is all I can say. Don’t give up. Me and my friend were struggling and it got easier. We are timing 14s now. Best thing you can do is network. Anyone who is good get them added to the friends list. That’s the best bit of advice I can give anyone.

Well I hope you emerge victorious in your mythic plus phd thesis

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Yea and the point is that jump was nothing compared to this one.

20% more damage and health and you lose tje positive buffs. I know the jumps havent always been equal but this was exceptional.

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What are your current pain points?
Bosses? Trash? Specific pulls or spells/mechanics?

Some of the easier dungeons for +12 (in my opinion) are, in the following order:

  • MoTS
  • Ara’kara
  • Dawnbreaker
  • Stonevault (although many seem to disagree here).

Some of the hardest are probably CoT and NW as most pugs fail to correctly execute mechanics in those during some bosses.

Grim batol anything xD I hate that place with a passion, but other than that nothing really I can time most 11’s but thats grp dependent ofc.

if you want to push m+ ? reroll to meta classes.

its the most effective way .

and saves you tons of frustration.

Mistweaver is currently one of the very strongest. It is basically meta.

Not sure if I understand you here.
Is everything in GB rough for you, and you’d like some advice on how to make it easier?

It’s a somewhat lenghty reply that will be made, and I’m sure you’ll already know a lot of the things I’ll say.

I ment key level, but yeh its just a pain to heal, the debuf is a issue as mw cant dispell it so I have to heal though it, plus the dmg spikes in there are a real hassle in pugs

Alright, I’ll see what I can help you with then.

Trash pulls.

Before the first boss:

  • Twilight destroyers, these casts an AoE that does heavy damage. You can, and should, LoS to avoid taking that damage.
  • Twilight overseers, these are the biggest threath towards the tank with their tankbusters and enrage. You can talent into paralyze de-enrage to help tank surviving these, or grab a hunter/druid (preferably druid, we’ll get to that later).
  • Twilight earthcallers, these will cast earth bolts at random group members, and a massive group wide aoe every now and then. You can help by interrupting often, even on earth bolts, and using leg sweep to stun bigger packs for a longer duration.

After the first boss, before the second boss.

  • Twilight beguilers, these will cast shadowflame bolt and chained mind. Make sure to help interrupting chained mind, and make good use of leg sweep to stun them for a longer duration.
  • Molten giant, these will cast molten wake for heavy aoe damage, pop a defensive such as diffuse magic or fortifying brew. They will also cast Lava fist on the tank for heavy tank damage, make sure tank is fully healed when this goes off.
  • Twilight flamerender, these are mainly dangerous for the tank. If you’re fighting these without any other extra packs, you can focus on keeping tank fully healed.

After second boss, before third boss.

  • Twilight warlocks, these will curse players with healing absorbs, and cast shadowflame bolt on random targets. Bring 2 curse dispel classes (shaman, druid, mage) to deal with the curses. Use you’re interrupt as often as possible.
  • Twilight lavabender, these get dangerous once they cast Ascension and they start to pulse group-wide aoe damage. Now is a good time to use healing cd’s and defensives. Focus these down as quick as possible WHEN they cast Ascension.
  • Twilight enforcer, these stack an enrage with every meele hit they land, posing a great danger to the tank. You can use paralyze (talented into de-enrage) or have a druid soothe them to make them less dangerous. They can also be stunned, or you can use RoP to create some distance between them and the tank, allowing tank to let the enrage stacks drop.

After third boss, before last boss.

  • Mutated hatchling, these pose no danger, but upon death inflict the group with a stacking debuff called Shadow wound that increase shadow damage taken.
  • Faceless corruptor, these cast an channeled ability called Corrupt, dealing heavy shadow damage to it’s target. Coupled with Shadow wound this can be very dangerous. Use a defensive if it’s cast on you, be ready to use cocoon or focus heavy single target healing if cast on someone else.

Bosses and how to deal with them.

First boss.

  • This is mainly dangerous for the tank due to the tank busters bleed. An augmentation evoker can dispel this which can help greatly.
  • Most people don’t use Chi’ji enough, or when they should, here. Make sure to use it before Commanding roar to utilize its absorb, and then calmly heal your party up again.
  • Don’t be afraid to use Revival early on in the fight. Thanks to the cd reduction from using RSK, you’ll most likely have it back up once more before the fight is over. There’s plenty of time before the next boss where you’ll need it again.

Second boss.

  • The second boss has some nasty aoe damage that will be dangerous, along with a tankbuster called Molten flurry that happens during his sword phase.
  • Make sure you have your renewing mists and enveloping mists out on your party BEFORE the boss forges his weapon. That allows you to pump out enough healing through your blackout kicks and RSK, coupled with a big cdr on RSK from thunder focus tea.
  • Use your defensives, specially when you get molten spark on you.
  • Use your Cocoon proactively on DPS who gets molten spark on them.
  • Focus heavy single target healing on the tank during Molten flurry, tank has to use their defensives too.

Third boss.

  • A pretty straightforward fight, make sure to keep renewing mists and enveloping mists rolling on tanks, other than that this shouldn’t be an issue.
  • Have party use curse dispels for the debuff (shaman, druid or mage).
  • You can either precast roll and when Twilight buffet goes off you immediatly counter-jump. That way you negate fall damage and can immediatly heal your party back up. You can also make use of Transcendence: transfer, to teleport back to where you were.

Last boss.

  • Tentacles are a pain to deal with, having a paladin clear these with Divine shield, or a hunter with Turtle shell helps a lot if you’re having issues navigating them.
  • Abyssal corruption happens when you’re stacked within the small area that isn’t covered by shadows. It affects 2 players and creates a circle around them that deals pulsating aoe damage to everyone within the circle. Stand still (but close enough to use your fistweave healing) and let the other party members adap to you. It’s easier for them to adapt to a stationary circle and a moving circle. Use a defensive if needed.
  • Crush is a tankbuster that knocks the tank away and spawn adds. Make sure the tank is fully healed.
  • The adds are the same as earlier in the hallway to this boss, and upon death they stack a debuff that increases shadow damage taken. Kill these AFTER the boss has channeled his group wide aoe Void surge.
  • Void surge is a group wide aoe that happens at the pull and shortly after the first tank buster. Use a defensive, and don’t kill the adds until AFTER this cast to avoid taking increased shadow damage.

General good to know as a mistweaver.

  • Keep a good UI. You want to track when boss abilities are going to happen so you proactively can apply Chi harmony and Enveloping mist.
  • Make sure you actually have a way of tracking Chi harmony, Enveloping mist and Jadefire teachings, as these is what will influence your healing by a lot. You don’t want to be too late in re-applying these things, and you don’t want waste globals on applying them before you need to.
  • Use you defensives, interrupts, and healing CD’s a lot, but make sure to rotate them well. You don’t need to pop diffuse magic and fortifying brew at the same time, let one run out before you use the other one. They’ll be back up rather soon anyway.
  • Set up your keybinds in a way that makes the spec flow well for you. A lot of people have time spent not casting anything, which is devastating in higher keys.
  • Mouseover macros are your friend. If you haven’t got these already, get them. You should never have to target a party member to cast something on them. Clique is also a good addon for this.

That’s the basic stuff I can think of for now. Let me know if there’s something you’re particularly interested in and I’ll see if I can help.

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dw u are clearly Overpowered next season so be silent.

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