M+ is not rewarding - same loot in chest weeks on end - anyone else feel robbed?

Anyone else finding that they constantly get the same garbage loot in their chest each week? And that M+ is generally a pointless grind for nothing?

At the start of the expac everyone in my guild was eagerly doing m+ week in week out, even after everyone’s gear was exceeding the ilvl cap on rewards, and now barely anyone can be bothered.

Mostly just feels like a complete waste of time not getting some kind of upgrade at least once in a blue moon, for example - the last 8-10 weeks I have gotten mostly Bracers, if not boots. I still have garbage trinkets and rings, after completing higher than +15’s each week for the entire season.

Friends in my guild complain of the same, getting Cloaks for weeks on end.

This whole loot system feels completely pointless / random, and actually drives down M+ participation, with most people just doing a single +10 a week to “get the chest”.

The entire system is broken. I say bring back the token system where you could upgrade an item +5 ilvls each week (like we had for the Legendary in WoD) - and allow folks to pick their gear from a vendor instead of the random weekly disappointment that just makes people get frustrated and quit the game.

What would be good is instead of giving folks more loot for completing say a +20 on time (lets face it, if you complete a +20 on time, your reward should be better than “more 400 ilvl shards”.

At least for example, give the chance for 1x +5 ilvl token to a specific slot - there are plenty of acceptable/non-frustrating ways to gate loot without making it feel like a complete waste of time.

See this way you could give more “life after kill” to Normal and Heroic mode - where a lot of guilds simply do not have 20 people for Mythic. Again, giving some longevity to the game - instead of it being repetitive after the 5th time you farm the end boss.

Anyone else agree - Blizzard could put WAY more thought into this garbage loot system?


I’m at an 11 week streak of getting a ring on my main.
Haven’t gotten a single useful item on my main this whole raid tier, nor from actually doing M+.

My alts have surpassed my main in regards to M+ gear(Both are at 412, while my main still has 411 equipped) and i didn’t get a single upgrade in more than 3 months, apart from the trinket from the new raid.

Didn’t check yet, but for the past weeks it has been either a wrist, ring or cloak. Fun. By now I go the the chest with a feeling of “meh it’ll be horrible anyways, at least I get some residuum”. Shame. Used to be fun, esp when you could get a legendary or something else fun.

And for the M+s themselves? Started doing >10s on my latest char around 376, still most upgrades came from other sources…fun stuff.

Blizzard show a blatant disregard for their player base with the current mythic+ loot rewards.

Why do you think most guilds are falling apart at this stage in the expansion?

Previous expansion had a lot of players raiding right up till the end, this one everyone’s getting fed up with Blizzards blatant greed.

What’s that we have not given you any decent content, here just bash your head against the wall for weeks on end praying you get some sort of upgrade instead of a side grade of 5 ilvls with crapier stats so its actually not worth equipping!

I do actually get the occasional good item on a brand new alt, but outside of that its just, here have generic crap reward that’s going to be a 1% downgrade compared to what you already have equipped, but oh keep it in your inventory because LFG is filled with ilvl muppets.

I agree, the loot system needs to be changed for the players putting that extra mile of effort in to it. Is the point not supposed to be you get what you give?

M+ is the main reason i keep playing this game, and receiving some piece of junk loot every week, several weeks in a row is very demotivating.

I don’t mind the RNG factor by the end of the dungeon, if the chest you get once a week actually gave you something useful, something you can look forward to.

100% on board with a token system, or being able to use titan residuum to choose a specific gear slot.

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To be honest, I think they shouldn’t have to remove the chance to get a azerite item from the chest. The only source you have now is from the vendor and my main still is missing a 415 head because all I got was 415 with wrong azerite traits on it so I still have to wear my 400 headpiece…

You could’ve done the math and decided if you want to save up, instead of gambling.

Removing Azerite from the cest was 100% the right move IMHO.
I don’t have my BiS chest yet, but am sitting at 9k residuum and won’t spend any more this season.

If my chances for BiS would not be 1/6, i might would’ve gambled some more, but it was your choice to not save up.

honest dont feel doing high keys are rewarding eugh for offort put intro them aside from score i dont give crap about thet weekly chest yes dispoint

Your joking right?

9k at roughly 600 residuum per week for each +10, is 15 weeks worth give or take.

So your perfectly fine with sinking over 3 months of grinding into a game for 1 bit of loot?

Pretty pathetic way to look at it if you want to keep your player base motivated. Great for being a greed corporation just wanting another 3 months subscription out of people, but yet pathetic otherwise.


I stopped doing M+ once I hit neck 50. Same with Isles.

Waste of time.

Acctually the 415 pieces was primarly made for those who run 15-20’s especially the specific pieces. 835(+15) or 990(+20) which means it whould take only 7-8 weeks, add in some scrapped azerite pieces on top of that and you can pretty much cut off a week or two. Combine it with raiding and you probably don’t even need the pieces to begin with.

However i whould rather see them add an additional reward of Residuum at the end of any mythic+ run. Perhaps similar to the scrap Ilvl Ranges, which whould mean 2-5 ~12 residuum / run, 6-9 ~35 Residuum 10-14 ~115 while 15 and beyond really ramping up in value.

That way you could also fit in other types of rewards on the residuum vendor.


They could let azerite items drop in m+ instead of months of waiting for a piece or just gamble the way up. regarding how important the right traits for some classes are, this would solve some problems.

We are on jaina mythic now. the item will be useless for me once the content is cleared so I don’t wanna spend months to get that last piece. we are no longer in classic, content is faster now than then.

So you want to get 400 iLvL azerite from M+?
And you want to keep the vendor? Then everyone will be burnt out from spamming M+ to farm currency in week 2.

Again, i am sitting at around 8-9k residuum now with my bags full with azerite items, i couldve bought a BiS item weeks ago. We just killed jaina and are rank 663 world, so it’s fair to assume that for 99% players that upgrade would still be relevant.

Full BiS shouldn’t be achievebale in the middle of a raidtier.

IMHO the current system is fine, but maybe lowering the prices from 7k somewhat down a bit to, idk, 5k sounds reasonable.

Indeed, mythic iLvL pieces aren’t meant for be accuired easily by the average joe, yet i had full 415 azerite items after we downed jadefire in week 2 (Engi goggles, vendor chest, shoulders from jadefire).

We are at the end of this tier… More and more guilds killing jaina now… after that for what do you farm gear? It’s simply not needed. Compare it to the bow from kil jaeden from bc… It was completely useless because the raid was completed when you are able to get it…

Since you can get 400 ilvl azerite gear from doing world quests, why shouldn’t you get a chance for a 400 for a +10 and a 415 for a +15 for example?

Due to a poorly implemented system at the core. Thing is that blizzard wanted to give us the option to choose Azerite, but at the same time make it scarce and in high demand. On top of this they also bound “additional residuum” to the scrapper.

Don’t get me wrong here, I whould not mind Azerite becoming easier to get at all. But the route that blizzard took for the residuum are like an Ouroboros… Since we have a resource that is basicly based on luck(and a bit of effort). I got four unused Azerite pieces in Mythic BoD last week on my shaman, that’s 365x4=1460 extra residuum that was all about luck really since two of those came from my seals.

Making Azerite easier to get whould make the vendor useless, however reaching the 415 mark for people who don’t want to combine content are a “gated method”. What blizzard should had done from the start was to avoid the “scrap azerite into resources” route and instead make residuum be a part of content where mythic+ are the dominating source.

Perhaps add a few residuum to emissaries to make them even, add some residuum on raid boss kills based on difficulty, add some residuum at the end of a mythic+ etc. It whould then turn into a choice between “waiting” and “farming”, rather then being based on if your random additional rewards ended up being Azerite pieces or not.

Around 700 guilds killed jaina, uldir had around 1800 guilds kill G’Huun and 8.2 will still take like 2-3 months to come, i wouldn’t consider that the end of the tier.
We also just got a new raid with more bosses to kill.

They became 400 ilvl at the middle of the tier, where everyone already has 415 azerite. It’s also not repeatable content.

IMHO M+ should scale to 410 iLvL for like +15, instead of capping at HC ilvl, but i actually enjoy the loottables of M+ being smaller because we can’t get azerite gear. i already had 30+ FH runs done, before getting my trinket in 400 ilvl.

Furthermore, it will 100% force basically every raider to spam M+ in the first few weeks, till they farmed their BiS azerite gear.

No one is forced to do anything dude. You log on at your own choice. You grind loot at your own choice.

I didnt suggest that some kind of +5 ilvl token system or loot vendor should be there from day 1 of a season at all - but half way through the season, when majority of guilds capable of doing mythic raids already crushed Mythic raid last boss - why not do something to keep it fun for the rest of the season?

Is grinding your Azerite power enough? Else what is there to do?

Blizzard could keep the player base more engaged and keep the game more progressive if m+ loot system didnt stop at +10.

Like I wrote - if you are doing +20 keys, damn sure the 400ilvl loot that drops is worthless as ur nice 415+ shiny raid gear helped you get there.

M+ should have at least the same max loot ilvl as Mythic raid - even if not right at start of the season.

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farm stuff titan forge

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