what do you guys think it will relieve the low lvl keys groups.
I think depletion is more a problem on the higher keys than the lower. The lower ones you all the time upgrade ++ and once in a while downgrade. The higher ones are push keys where you need a lot of practice on every keylevel to finally time it. Then it is a slap in the face to get back to a keylevel lower and upgrade it again to a different dungeon.
We need 3 charges on keys and it is fixed.
you said it right there at lower levels you can just triple plus or double plus the run so just remove key depletion altogether for lower levels keys.
That is not what he said.
He said that depletion is a minor inconvenience in lower keys. But a major block in higer keys.
If anything, it should be the other way arround.
Because remember that depletion has a purpose. And as long as the downsides of this mechanism are small (minor inconvenience) the advantages outweigh the downsides.
Which is the case in lower keys. But it is not in higher keys.
I think that the only thing that relieves low key groups is the inability to die instantly from mechanics and from not interrupting the interruptables; just make it trivial content. Make everything at best a DPS-check, not a dance-routine (for the record, just for lower keys).