lets say you get achivement for not needing runed crests on a char, your alts benefit from it. also valor stones .
you level a char and can max out the gear you have to be able to join raids and m+ faster on new alts which makes you more motivated
now i gear a char and when i want to level another tank i feeel meeh and do something else
Or how about a better idea:
Instead of waiting 13 weeks (3.2 months) to tune the Dungeons and Specs, they do the tunining ASAP as the problems appear ?
Yea crests is totally the reason tanks and healers are in short supply
Yeah… no… Crests aren’t the problem for me personally, playing 2 tanks and a healer.
It’s more bosses seeing my lunch money as i’m heading home and kicking my backside.
Removing crests and valoratone for gear upgrades will make iy easier for people to level and gear alts a few would be tanks in my oppinion. And also make the tanks a bit more ressilient. Me with pally … very futrating to sometimes be uber boss and one miss button and i become squished ant
well crests or better the amount needed is at least the reason why i dont olay my alts and since my main is basically finished, i play something else.
in df i geared 5-6 alts, mind you because of queue times i farmed them all as healer or tank. i had more time in df but the difficulty change and the crest increase sisnt really help me wanting to play alts now.
so partly they are a reason why we lack alt tanks and heals for mid keys for sure.
i wouldnt really blame quests, i rather say the season is just too tedious and requires too much grind
Interesting, I’m in the opposite. Got 624 druid as main and 2 619 alts. Plus 2 605 alt.
Back in DF S4, my main was relatively lower and so were my alts.
I have all the tanks at max level, although only my Druid is decently geared. Rest of them are 610-620. Crests are not the reason for me quitting M+ about a month ago. It’s just not fun to play +10 keys, and anything below that feels somewhat pointless to do considering I’ll be stuck on hero track.
Blizzard made so many terrible changes for M+ going into TWW, and you’re seeing the result of that now. Even if I had 500 free gilded crest waiting in my mailbox, I still wouldn’t come back this season.
it was easy to run weekly 18s for max vault to gear your alts through the vault.
now i cannot do that because hero gear ia vastly inferior and you end up only at 613 with vault usually which is not good enough of a motivation to climb on my alts.
i have several alts which are by now above 610 ilvl but i dont run m+on them because ez mode delves give the same loot in faster time
Blizzard must take note from PoE 2. The balancing there is on another level. GGG are great
I main as tank playing and gearing all tanks in each season since BFA S1, this season is the first season i truly gave up early because mainly of gate keeping your weekly Mythic vault bad dungeons design in term of adds (million mechanics which leads into pulling a pack by pack regardless if your gear and designed for premade not pugs)… im not a key pusher but i like the progress of gearing my alts casually … and i dont think im alone
Completely agree - the current loot specialization and upgrade systems makes it too hard to gear for offspec and alts leading to lack of tanks and healers.
If you actually tried tanking this season yourself, you’d realize the shortage has nothing to do with gear, crests, etc.
It’s just not enjoyable to tank in TWW. That’s it. If I could log in tomorrow with full 639 bis gear, I still wouldn’t play any of my tanks. Blizzard ruined M+ tanking for lot of players going into TWW, and while they are trying to address some of the problems with season 2 dungeon changes, it’s not enough. At least not for me.
They are limiting the tank busters which will make it less stressful to tank and hope the number will rise in season 2. I hope they reduce the button bloating problem. So many freakin buttons to push for defe se and damage to keep agro and our dps is so low for solo content no wonder some do not want to tank
Crests and alt-gearing became cool when they increased their drop rate from M+. I just don’t understand why such changes took so long again. It seems like Blizzard isn’t really interested in keeping players in the game. By the time of the buff, 90% of the people in my guild had already canceled their subscriptions and are waiting for the next season.
I have a feeling that 20 different tankbusters and spamcasters are the problem, and not the crests. Just a feeling.
Really? I am yet so see a trash pack with more than two casters or tank-busters in them. With the exception of maybe 4 packs max this season.
When you put that amount of tankbusters in basically every pack, and certain bosses that do tankbusters up to every 15 seconds, it is for sure way harder than we had before. And a lot of those tankbusters are also so fast that you are too late pressing a defensive since they are on the global cooldown.
To be frank, I prefer it this way. I want tank busters. They are the tank’s mechanics. You supposed to be cautious about pulls and certain enemies.
Of course, Blizzard being Blizzard, you have tank-busters which are so ridiculously over-tuned, they just delete tanks sometimes through major defensives.
And the worst part is, these are the tank busters which certain classes can deal with almost no issues (dh/dk) and some classes can’t do anything about (warr/brew).
Of course it’s harder than we had it before. DF was the World of Tankcraft expansion. Everything feels weaker compared being invincible.
Well that thing is, even the worst tank-busters barely tickle on +0 to +3. And these are the dungeons where you supposed to learn which mob does what and when.
As you progress to higher keys, the damage increase (and deaths you sufder sometimes) reinforce this knowledge, so that on +10 and above the cast time doesn’t matter, you know what is coming in the next 5 sec.
I am not against tankbusters. Of course not. But the amount is just too much. Like you are in the maze of mists, no control at all over the route, and you get 2 packs with 2 guardians (anima slash) in a row. A bear has basically no tools for that twice in a row. It just hits through Ironfur.
How do you know when that soulcleaver is hitting in the next 5 seconds with their almost instant cast? You know it is coming somewhere. But not when.
And the first boss of City of threads is just stupid with like every 12 seconds a tankbuster.