M+ leavers

Well, they’ve been discussed to death in this forum :slight_smile:

Saying toxic behaviour is not acceptable is normalising it? That makes less sense than most of what I read here.

I don’t ‘maintain that narrative’. My argument is that some people will behave in a toxic manner regardless of the environment. Those people need to be taught that their behaviour is not acceptable anywhere.

Yeah… mostly I wish Blizz would have some real discussions. Like sit down with a camera, do a livestream, have a moderator pick out some questions, and just talk about what their internal thinking is, listen, and give opinions on players’ ideas.

i hate it when people leave at almost end. if the group is bad leave at start after 1st boss. don’t waste peoples time staying for 30 minutes then leaving before the end

but they are nothing more then npcs in random cross realm groups .

you want non-npc players ? play with guildies.

tbh i bet that a lot of people woudl much rather play with ai-npcs then players - ai would make so much less mistakes unless programed to do them

Then they should go play single player games. Those might be right up their alley!

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Pro tip for people who leaving bad groups and don’t want harassments:
make /w window to pop as separate and when you get /w after quitting bad group just delete window. Wont even know what the haters who lack self criticism wrote.

They only reason anyone would want to do 20+ is for score only.

3 times in last 2 days…

People leaving when they see we run out of time.

This whole system is an absolute disaster. Some (like me) don’t have too much time for this. Hours to be accepted in a group for this result… Is this intended to be fun?
Ban and decrease Rio of the players who leave unless there is an agreement between the five (something like in kicking out a player)

Or better remove all this M+ madness, or at least, don’t do it MANDATORY, remove the op reward in the weekly chamber.

For the first time in many many years (may be first serious time) I’m hesitating to quit the game. Torghast and this M+ system are too much “fun”

I have an idea, the devs!

  • You lose -500 score if you leave

Problem solved here!

An awful idea but still an idea.

then i just dc manualy

who will get -500 then ?

you ? or you would dc too and everyone would be stuck in dungeon forever.

You dont lose -500 if you get dc or 4 players dont affect. :slight_smile:

So what your saying is remove all pug M+ then? -500 score means will only tank for guild. Whilst right now i do alot of pug m+ and being a tank whats in short supply you prob dont want tank players no longer pugging

So instead of leaving the group the people then “dc”.

Wow, thats a braindead idea. Well played.

just today i left a mythic+ right before the last boss. dont know why they think they can go after the tank always and start a verbal abuse session when its not timed anymore lol

after that i got a speech with even more of that in whisper. all went to report (not that anyone at blizzard cares lol)

but seeing all the dps mistakes and low dps for that key level somewhere around 1-2k with a 2.3k r-io makes me just wana leave faster these days sub 10 keys on my alts :-p

the golden rule is never read such whipers

and for love of god never answer them

just close it without reading and forget.

In my 100% pugging career I never met a person who would leave a key WITHOUT a reason (maybe some tech issue).
For someone it is enough to leave if you miss very obvious kick or if you “stay in fire” 3rd time in a row. On other hand someone has very high patience cap and still trying after many minutes were lost.
Personally, if i see a pattern of obvious fails, I leave a key even if it is still in time, because I am pretty sure I will regret it later.
If somebody leaves, usually I try to investigate what me or others did wrong that led to it.

Nobody has to care about your loot, your rio or your time.
Everyone is different - try not to judge by your own standards especially if they are very low.

Regarding OPs toxic /w - best idea is to ignore, delete whisper window, leave them talking to themselves.

If I get a whisper after a key is abandoned, I give it a quick glance to see if it’s friendly or not, and if it isn’t friendly, I close it without reading any further.

Unless the key was listed as ‘in time’, I’m one of the very patient ones, and I’ll usually stay even through several wipes as long as everyone is friendly and trying to get it right. I’ll even stay if one of the other players is throwing insults around - as long as it isn’t the key owner. As soon as the key owner gets abusive, I’m out.

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I will always leave if dps deplete key with their deaths on every pull, do low dps and insult tank for it. I’ll leave even at the last boss.

This is a very case by case situation. Sometimes I would finish a depleted key even if there is next to nothing to gain from it when I see the group is friendly and everyone did their best. If things turn toxic though, I would gladly leave. I reckon that kind of decision making applies to many people.