M+ loot bugged, normal or unlucky?

Just completed my 8th timed mythic + key and have not received any loot at all from any of them. Is this normal?

your 8th run and not in 1 run u received loot? ye right…

Random is random. Think I’ve got 1 piece in 8 runs.

You didn’t buy anything from shop so you are basically locked out of the game :smiley:
so go into shop by something and you will see how many mounts and loot your character is going to get

7 M+ +2 runs and just gold soo u are not alone

Best joke I have read this week.

You get the pin for the comedian of the month. GJ !

Yes it is. And FYI gearing in M+ is about volume. You have to do more than 8 if you want the best gear in every slot.

Sometimes I feel like that’s how the game is designed :smiley:
It’s like that feeling when you get 20 cloaks from Mplus :smiley:

Let me be honest here :

Sometimes, everything seems like a big coincidence and there has to be someone behind stuff… or a reason … or a master plan or something … :smiley:

But in the end, its just random stuff and a WHOLE LOT of stupidity put together…

Or what ? You thought that politicians ACTUALLY have a plan ? :smiley:

:smiley: Ye i know but it’s funny to think about blizzard coding drops according to how much stuff you buy from their shop or how many token you get…

i dont believe he didnt got anything in 8 M+ dungeons tbh thats BS. i wanna bet he got an item but he has better or an item with Bad stats…

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