M+ loot ... different keys same item level

why some m+ levels drops same item level like +4 and +5 (194) it should be 193 and 195 also +7/8/9 are same and +12/13/14 … also same problem with vault 5/6 10/11 ,12/13 … well about 14/15 might also add … every level should give different item level drop anyway u have 3 items level gaps than few keys same drop …

Have you bothered researching?

It is what it is

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its not is what it is … it not fair that +14 at the of dungeon drops same as +12 … and few more like that

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Dude its literally the game design… get with it… yes it is what it is

IT IS BAD GAME DESIGN … and has to be changed

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It’s not the same. Time your key and you get a +15 key and the shot at 210 items while the person doing a 12 will be stuck with the same rewards.

still +12 and +14 should not give same item level at the end

Do you really want items to be +1 ilvl ? as that would be only solution.

+1 or +2 but not making it same … and if u count 187 on +2 and +210 so that meas that u have gap of 23 item levels and u can make gaps +2 and +3 not gaps +4 than 2 levels on same gear … whole design is like drunk ppl was making or 4 years old kids …

I agree there should be much fewer key levels and each level should provide higher ilvl reward. The difference in difficulties should also be more dramatic with each new key level.

The flipside of my idea is that failure becomes even more punishing - not only will your key be downgraded, but you’ll always be pushed into lower loot bracket when you fail a key. Right now, you only get pushed into a lower loot bracket when you fail certain key. The increase in difficulty is more gradual, but the increase in item level is more sudden. It gets the job done.

well simply dont fail … if u fail that means u dont deserve that loot bracket … difference betwen keys are far than enough … just see difference betwen +14/15 or 16/17 … even i think that difficulty should not be fixed … i think that should be like if u clear it fast than is going up and if are clearing slow that is going down … so if u have +15 key and u all go afk during m+ run than u can go up to +2 and that u can stop key anytime u want … and also that u can pause

Can’t wait to only get +1 agi from doing a key 2 levels higher

well 1 agi on 1 item what means 14 agility and what means like 72 more dmg per second at least and that on 6 minutes is 26k dmg and that on 4 k dps is like 6.5 seconds … maybe not to much but still better than nothing … that way i can say what is point to have 3 item level difference

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