M+ lower keys are harder than higher keys

Eh i wish honestly, this week was so terrible with alts that i just took a break to avoid lashing out.

Sometimes i truly wonder how some people can be that terrible at the game.

Ive said it once and i’ll say it again, M+ needs a barrier to entry.

A skill based solo one, you should have to prove you are ready to do actual content

Under my proposal fights would indeed get dragged out longer, but it would be indirectly noticeable that it is due to the group missing interrupts or failing to avoid out of fire zone on time. However the burden on the healer would be smaller from the points of view of (a) how much burst healing is required, (b) how much mana needs to be spent per unit time. Yes, the healer would eventually run out of mana; but at that point the fight would have already dragged on long enough to realize it’s not a healer issue.

No. This would increase the gap between the more skilled players and the less skilled ones. The ideal game design is one where more people are allowed success, but the better players achieve it significantly earlier and with less resources spent. At the same time, changing the penalty from “you died” to “you don’t deal increased damage” does not give the player who fails the mechanics a visual indication that something has not been done correctly. But them seeing that they are suddenly underperforming when they don’t move out of fire quickly or right after an enemy ability has hit them has higher chances of them asking what they need to do and working towards improvement.

There would need to be an indication like: “Hey! You can interrupt this, but if you do you will not interrupt the next one which is worse! Pick what you want to do”

I believe that Awakening the Machine is a good restarting point of the Proving Grounds. Maybe add 5 more levels with even harder mechanics and give greater rewards from it to entice players to complete it every week? Or completing it gives a week-long buff that increases all currency rewards of the current season (regarless if it’s from open world, delves, dungeons, raids or even PvP!), with the potency of buff determined by the number of waves completed? Anything to entice even the casual-est of players to want to do it and expose them to mechanics and how to solve them.

Yep. The game systems have changed to accommodate faster playing and faster retrying in case of failing. It’s the sole reason why instant-kills are the developers’ solution to every failed mechanic at difficult content instead of “you can continue but do it X more times and you will hit the enrage timer”

Under my suggestion the extra burden on the healer would be low or moderate and not extreme which is now. In case of extended fight then yes, the healer would run out of mana. But at that point it would have been evidently obvious that it was an issue of the entire group failing stuff and not the healer being unable to perform.

When was the last time you asked for a mana break, and was it due to actual content difficulty or due to you spamming frantically the most expensive spells?

As Annaconda says, each healer will give you a different answer. To me Classic Healing is great because it was a test of triage, mana conservation, avoiding overhealing as it worked massively against your mana bar, and careful planning to manage firing off the long-cast-time spell without having to interrupt them. Retail healing is whack-a-mole except you have to keep whacking the moles even at 100% hp to fish for extra procs. And mana is just cosmetic.

I mean I think I’ve seen everything but 500k dps overall with ~610 ilvl? That’s maybe one in one thousand.

Make every cast that, per the designers intent, “needs” to be interrupted to leave a debuff of -10% dmg to all could that could have interrupted it when it isn´t.

I guarantee you, no DpS will ever miss an important interrupt ever again :wink:

Bad idea. Sounds good on paper, but you must always assume 2 things:

  1. Anything that increases DpS by .00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001% is an absolute must have for every meta slave /dps junkie…
  2. Anything that makes that happen faster /more often is > to playing teh encounter properly or having situational awareness.

The inevitable result will be that People will be literally stumbling over themselves to interrupt every cast they possibly can first and as fast as possible (before someone can “steal” their BpS boost, no matter how trivial the cast was or how many seconds of melee hits on teh tank not interrupting it would have saved) , and when the actually important casts go off everyone will be on CD and the wipe will stil be the healer´s fault. :wink:

Well, fun fact, We actually had something more or less exactly like this many years ago, that being the Proving Grounds in Pandaria. If memory serves correctly you had to complete bronze to queue for Maxlevel NHC dungeons, and silver to queue for HC.

but after queue times for NHC dungeons at maxlevel started to exceed 2 hours, simply because most people couldn´t even clear bronze much less silver, the system was relegated to obscurity as a prerequisite for queued content even before the first raidtier was fully opened up. :wink:

Its nothing new. It has always been like that.

As for healers being pissed… nah… you have to look at the bright side: Its training for higher keys ! :smiley:

Doesn’t really make much of a difference.

I just had a guy that was 3.1k rating on his main not realize his healing wasn’t up to par and blamed the group instead of realizing he’s pulling really low hps.

Like, bro? The frost(!!!) DK is almost doing the same hps as him from his death striking trying to stay alive. Then he blames the group when we wipe.

He doesn’t use pain suppression on the tank or anyone else than himself, he pressed it once in 24 minutes.

He doesn’t use barrier.

He doesn’t PI on CDs.

Eventually people had enough and left.

Repeating a bad idea doesn’t turn it into a good one.

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TBH, I would like to see a lot of the people asking for barriers to entry to m+ be forced to complete something like Zek’vir?? or the mage tower before they can queue, and see how much they like their own idea.

On EVERY ALT that they want to run keys with, of course. Because there also seems to be thisunderlying assumption that everybody that ever queues for M+ in Pugs is doing so on their main and not reclearing it on an alt that they may themselves just be learning, so if they´re queuing for M+ at all they must by their arbitrary definition of “barely good enough” already be an experienced player that knows everything … So let them experience what they want to put others through, first…

Maybe add a written ingame test (multiple choice ofc) on all of the mechanics of all the bosses in the M+ pool for that season that has to be passed with at least 85% correct answers before you can queue… because after all, that´s more or less the bar most people set for other players, so they damn well better be able to reach it themselves :beers:

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Kicks should be reworked.

  1. Missed kick should be refunded quickly.
  2. Casters should be able to kick without interrupting other casts.
  3. Melee classes should have increased range on their kicks. Not 40 yards, but something that would allow them to kick things comfortably, when mobs are a bit spread around. May be 12 yards or something like that.

I play Aug and kicks are hard for me. I often need to decide between sacrificing huge chunk of my DPS (when I pushed Ebon Might and I need to spam Eruption as fast as possible to keep it running) and ignoring some cast. That’s not fun. I want to press kick and not being penalized for it. And worst thing when you stopped your cast in the middle, pressed “Quell” but someone just kicked the cast before me and now I got low DPS and 20 seconds on kick.

What’s the point? At this point you can simply remove some casts that need to be interrupted if you want to make it THAT easy… I mean you basically want to reward random button mash… people already spam their aoe CCs without any thoughts behind it. They see a castbar appearing on their screen and insta mash…
We should never reward facerolling.

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Mate prot paladin bragging about his interupts is as bad as they are.

You do know how your Class works yes ?

Wiping when I run out of interrupts is not on me. 9 interrupts. 3 interrupts. None at all.

DPS needs to learn how to interrupt.

Let’s take a look at a key I did on my druid:

It was unnecessarily hard due to the lack of interrupts. People died several times to stuff not getting interrupted. I almost have more than the rest of the group together.

This is a constant in all keys I do, DPS are not interrupting anywhere close to the same frequency as tanks are and then you struggle due to it.

About missed kicks: it should work like dispells already do. It makes no sense to punish people for missed kick, that’s nature of network game, you can’t control other people, especially in PuGs with zero communication.

About casters: it would put them in line with melees, who already have zero DPS penalty for using kicks (and some specs actually have DPS boost for using kicks, if I remember correctly). It makes no sense to make casters inferior, because casters don’t have inherent DPS advantage to compensate for worst kicks. They actually have inherent DPS disadvantage, because they can’t move and cast, but that’s another topic for discussion.

About melee kick range, well, that’s just quality of life stuff that should be in game. It doesn’t fundamentally change anything but would allow for more comfortable gameplay.

The point is literally to not faceroll it. If it worked like dispell (while being ogcd) you can literally macro it on every single button and spam it.
It absolutely makes sense to punish people for missed interrupts, just like the entire mechanic (and all the casts) exist to get punished if you don’t interrupt.

You can track interrupts of others. If you are not willing to do so you can literally talk to people and have interrupt order. Or you can not pug. But making the game fully faceroll because refusing to put any effort is just wrong.
Also, missing one or two kicks is not gonna wipe you, at least at the current state at the most key levels everyone plays.

Recently made a prot pala, or leveled my old pala with this Tw exp buff etc. jumped in 9s yday at 584 ilvl and was healing 300-400k with my ward + wog + loh, Bosac doesn’t count but, yeah swap to prot pala and heal the same :rofl:

It can always be a more complicated story.

The times where people randomly toss AoE stuns to interrupt a single cast, while 4 interrupts are off-cd is uncountable. This is doomed to cause the interrupts be on cooldown for nothing.

Not saying that it’s the case here, but just pointing at numbers only tells half the story.

This, blizzard, is it

I track interrupts.

They weren’t using them.

I wouldn’t complain about people not using interrupts if they’re overlapping them with each other or if some aoe disruption causes them to flunk it. They’re still using them if that happens, but the amount of DPS that just lets casts go through when they can interrupt it is just stupid high.

I don’t know why the DPS role attracts so many dumb people.

It’s the same in PvP.

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It’s always been like that in my experience. Lots of people in a 2 haven’t done any yet.