M+ needs a surrender funktion and a leaver tracker for all those who leave mid key

/surrender can be poped by the leader and then people get to vote. simple and easy.

a part of the ui that tracks how many keys every player have left. you only get this tag if you are the first to leave and the /surrender has not been used.

So tierd of people leaving mid keys and destroying the key. if you dont have the time unless its a +3 keys dont join… sure you might need to leave becuse your house is burning. then write to your team or take the leave.


Another ‘solution’ which only makes things complicated and fixes nothing…


So if the leader is one that not doing enough dps , is puling left and right , or is simply afking for whatever reason , then whole party has to take penalty for leaving cuz they cant surrender ?

Yea , seems like another logical way how to overcomplicate things


Ah another weekly let’s implement this system with planet size holes that won’t even fix anything.

So leader can take 4 other people as prisoners. Assuming it needs to unanimous.

As long as it has to be unanimous 1 person can take the group as prisoner.

If a person wants to leave he’ll just go afk/Ninja pull/wipe the group till the surrender goes through ect.

Have you considered using the system already in-game that solves your problems? It’s called making friends, in general a big part of any MMO.

easy fix anyone can start the surrender and if more than 50% wanna surrender well they key is done.


And again won’t spend my time in a key with folks don’t know how to play. Life is to short to waste time in a key with low performer… The only real solution is to bring fun back and introduce other sources of gear. The game goes the wild star path right now

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That’s fine, with the system OP proposed there’s nothing stopping you from leaving the group mid-dungeon if you want. What’s the problem?

The problem is the tracker.

Your proposal has plenty of problems. One big problem I see right away is that it works under the assumption that everyone who leaves a key prematurely is in the wrong for doing so. If a group has little to no knowledge about mechanics and wipes on mechanics that you arguably could/should know in a m+ setting then it’s an understandable decision in my eyes if someone leaves the group. I would otherwise always recommend trying to be helpful to other players and explaining mechanics that are being misplayed, however m+ is sort of a competitive setting and I can understand if someone doesn’t want to bother.

In your proposal, if a group continuosly wipes on the same mechanic and the leader doesn’t want to initiate said /surrender then if a player decides to leave the group he will get tagged in a way that is supposed to reflect negatively on him. That doesn’t seem right to me at all. It is subjective judgement whether someone wants to leave a group or not and it should stay that way in my eyes instead of implementing a mechanic that presumes some sort of moral high ground on when it is reasonable for someone to leave a run. We will not always be satisfied by the other players decisions and I personally have found myself being disappointed/annoyed when a player left a run I was in. At the same time I could always see quite an obvious reason for why he/she did leave the run. Either someone else in the group or even myself just simply not knowing a certain mechanic and the group wiping because of it

Google : " datamined-social-contract-in-latest-patch-925-build "

You probably don’t realize how lucky you are :slight_smile:

To all others poiting out issues with a system like this, it’s good to bring those up! Maybe we can probably tell it wouldn’t work from the start. Looking at other online competitive games or in other words games with a rating system, WoW seems to either be behind on this matter or way ahead in the future but all the other games got it wrong. I.e. Overwtch, LoL, CS GO etc… This is the only game where you can literally not care, leave and have 0 consequences.

Obviously I don’t think there’s any system that would stop people leaving or being toxic. But there needs to be a system to slow down key depleters who simply don’t care about other players.

It’s easier to leave than offering advice and explain mechanics to other players and WoW should be about community helping each other to become better. Not ruin 4 players’ days for the sake of making life easier to 1 impatient player.

Truth be told I love to see this weekly post trend of new players discussing the same issue. Hopefully blizzard is looking at the numbers and realizing there might be a real issue here. Cheers all!

I am not lucky. I joined FailTrain, CalmKeystones and ChillStreak communities. Everyone can do things like that.

Last time I tried to help and offer advice I got kicked after the last boss. And I was doing it constructively.

This time in a plaguefall I just left when the first boss was at 61% health after 4 minutes. I cba to tell the pally tank to dispel himself or actually move the boss from the big slime or beg for one person to stun a fungal storm or belf the blobs or… or… or…

Not really luck… making friends requires effort from both sides. I can tell you how it started for me, I was in your classic cesspool guild… and this random person asked if anyone wanted to do his +7 key. At that point I was way above 7s (cough I was doing 14s and 15s) … but I said sure anyway. From there we got talking, and time went on and I met more people. (This was back in end of Legion)
That was also when I decided I was sick of the pug community, and I’d rather just make friends, and put in the effort to become decent at the game so I never had to struggle with getting into any content I want to do.

But community is what you want to actively avoid with these systems… you want to force people to stay in your groups without having to get to know anyone.

basically, better than one guy leaving, effectively deciding the surrender the key alone :smiley:

M+ needs to be made less punishing, not more. It is a niche community within the game as it is …

Just gonna say the same obvious thing for like this OP, of umpteen of OPs never gets when it comes to pug life.

Tired of leavers in general in keys?


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