M+ S2 of Dragonflight proves we need seasonal affixes back

next step should be to take all affixes away and create better dungeons x)

extra points for deactivating racials, because everyone is now nightelf or dwarf (if its an option for the specc)

as an example fire mage:


I mean this season really does feel easier compared to previous ones, so there is an argument to be made about seasonable affixes.

As for the ones we got before…

Worm-thing in BfA was unfun.
Ghostly things in BfA I didn’t like, but I think overall it was well received.
Azshara images was very boring.
Awakened teleports was very good.
*I didn’t play much during SL but:
Spiteful was garbage.
Torghast anime powers was meh.
The robot things I didn’t like.
Legion TW was meh.

Storming in DF was ok imo but people seem to didn’t like it.

So far the seasonal affixes have been more miss than hits, and most of them boiled down to “dungeon has 3-5 extra mobs that do stuff”.

The argument to be made is simply.

The numbers for Season 2 M+ of Dragonflight are terrible.

This should never happen with the fastest patch cadence™ and with the fact that there pretty much is nothing to do in WoW outside of M+. Even worse getting alts to highest level and starting to push keys is also faster than ever. Vault system also incentives running keys 4-8 times each week.

Keeping all these things in mind we have what is easily the worst numbers in M+ history.

You failed to link one to the other.

Season 2 numbers may have been worse if they’d kept the seasonal affix in.

You can’t even construct the simplest argument without faceplanting.

Yeah because the gearing is way too fast. I am pretty much ilvl capping characters in less than 3 weeks of playing them. Atm I have my Warlock and Evoker at 445+ and my hunter and priest are 440 in around 2 weeks of playing them. M+ is dead for people who don’t like pushing past 20 and are don’t want to gear alts, there is no reason to do them anymore after you get the portals, and thats even at best, most people aim for KSM and are done.

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Continuing the discussion from STOP designing the game for RWF playes - Complex tier set bonuses for 10.1:

This is you. A forum poster with over 10k posts, yet u did not even understand how tier sets would increase complexity.

I really dont buy the entire fast gearing excuse. Will be interesting to see the numbers in S3 when they intentionally try to slow down gearing acquisition.

To be fair this is a qualified guess. Except for the fact that S2 actually started out with an okaish amount of players / runs in the first two weeks then dropped off massively.

It is very possible after the Thundering fiasco more players stopped during season 1 and never gave season 2 a chance. But that is all guessing.

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It would be very helpful if people started linking the data/metrics to support their claims. People keep talking about how M+/WoW/The world is dying by using some weird metrcis they heard from random Streamer/Youtuber. Last time someone linked anything was a metric by RIO that the decline in M+ started happening a few months into S2, then everyone started shouting that the sky is falling because Pet battles aren’t the main pillar of the game.


M+ runs per week, Dragonflight Season 2 - Week 6 : wow (reddit.com)

And to be fair most people would not have ´´finished`` gearing alrdy by week 3 or 4.

I also feel like Blizzard decided to bring back strong dungeons for S2, like Freehold. Imagine the numbers if they had brought back Shrine of the Storm or Kings Rest.

Because people often wiped you with it.

So many standing next to me and when I was going to clear they just yeet themselves to the other end of the instance and we wipe.

Titanforging warforging? No tnx less RNG better.
Sesonal affix? No tnx id rather they completely change existing ones cuz those ones are boring.

I think I worded that poorly, I know why people didn’t like it. It’s just that I found it interesting. I don’t judge the quality of mechanics based on the % of people failing to complete them, I just base them on if I think it was fun/interesting or not. Like I said previously most of the seasonal affixes were kill X of bonus mobs and get a buff, I liked that Awakened gave skips which made the runs more interesting because a lot of the different tanks had different routs (at least in my exp). I liked storming because it was not a “Kill mob->get buff” but was “Have buff->decide when to clear buff->decide who stays with buff”.

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Way top go with being toxic.

Even if you buy it or not, it is legit for a good number of players. Both me and most of my guilds were fed up with m+, because in 1 months we got almost everything we wanted from there and were back to spamming weeklies only.

But on the points you make:
I understand you might like the wf/tf and seasonal affixes, but your arguments have some flaws.

  • In bfa you were running freehold for 2 years+. Now you run it for 6 months. Blizzard has removed seasonal affixes because they though with new dungeons every season, they were not needed.

  • Comparing player numbers is not an argument. BFA was right after one of the most successful expansion ever, not even counting the number of grinds that were forced on you. DF is an expansion right after 2 generally disliked expansions that lost MANY players, without any type of forced content.

  • While seasonal affixes might be contested topic (some may dislike or like it), wf/tf is mostly disliked by the community, so I do not think many people agree on that point.

Someone responds with

´´You can’t even construct the simplest argument without faceplanting.``

Like what?

By ´´Community´´ you mean those that post on WoW twitter, r/wow and the forums who make up a non-existent part of the playerbase.

I am not even comparing with BFA. I can compare with S1 of DF. I can compare with the least successful seasons of SL s3 and S4, that followed a disastrous patch cadence.

All show a uniquely awful performance for this season.

The rationale behind the decision was irrelevant though. It is a more boring way to do the same content.

That is fair. I am also wondering the nerf of healers (again) had a lot of impact. Like playing 2 weeks, finding out it is miserable. Especially for pugs that would be a big hit on amount of runs done (?)

People were trying to min-max the buff uptime and if you wanted to make sure you can’t wipe to it, like by gripping them to you to clear it, they got mad and started flaming you for not letting you wipe to it.

This happened many times, it was happening even on the beta when it was being tested.

It was basically a “Screw you puggers” affix. Most famous on the beta being some guy playing in a top guild taking to twitter to flame people for clearing it pre-emptively and then got clapped by Zaelia, whom he didn’t know was in the group iirc.

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We just always cleared it instant. You never knew you would get another overlapping mechanic. Just clear and be done with it. We wiped too many times by trying to use the buff.

I didn’t have that experience. I saw a lot of flaming for people failing the affix and stunning the group.

Idk I don’t really agree with OP because I am on the same page as you that most of the seasonal affixes didn’t work and I also really don’t like FOMO. But he does have a point that some affixes actually made the runs more interesting. I don’t think seasonal is the way to go, but maybe if Blizzard did a poll on which of the previous seasonal affixes worked and added them to the permanent rotation that could work. I mean I really am not a fan of some of the new ones they added.

Afflicted for example, I love it on my priest because I can just deal with the affix on my own, on my warlock for example I have no way of helping out and am solely dependent on other people (yes I know felhound can purge it, but I can only do that once every 5 mins and then have a 5s cast to resum the felguard, not fun).

No mainly talking about people I have played with, me included.
Having your performance and progress tied to an rng mechanic that you have no control over, ESPECIALLY when it is timegated (raids/w-bosses/vault) puts me off.

For the S2 numbers, I do not contest that they are bad. Just pointing out that the experience in my circles is that what killed it was the fast gearing and the balance after 10.1.5.

Blizzard’s rational behind the seasonal affix was to introduce something to differentiate the dungeons between each seasons to keep m+ less stale. How is this irrelevant when they achieved the same thing by just changing the dungeons each season.

I am not arguing that one is better than the other, I am just pointing out that by blizzard’s PoV, seasonal affixes were redundant, so they removed them. If general consensus is that people want them back, they will return them probably.