You have no idea how many people come here asking for a Solo Q. If you search the forums, there is atleast 1 “suggestion” every week minimum. With a long explanation that finally concludes with : Solo Q is the solution to all our problems.
You are the #909408340958 to come here saying that.
And you have no idea how obvious the solution really is: Make healing/tanking more attractive.
So the changes that need to happen are: Dungeon design, and spec/class design. NOT a Solo Q.
I dont defend their systems. I try to avoid the disaster that Arenas became with their Solo Q system.
That’s not my problem. I suggested somethung that was on my mind, and honestly I replied to your caps lock cause even I felt bad for ignoring you.
Now that you politely shared your thoughts I can talk.
Solo Q was an addition that destroyed arenas completely, but it was added with hopes it would fix the problem. It didn’t.
But when it comes to pvp, I wish that was the only thing wrong with it, . The other 99% of the problems (maybe even the style itself) is why I don’t play that anymore.
That servers as proof that a Solo Q for M+ wont work.
And for similar reasons too. People complained LFG arenas was a slog. Because nobody wanted to heal. And people looked at your rating to invite you.
They made the Solo Q. People still dont want to heal. In fact, even less people want to heal than ever before. And because rating or spec is no longer a factor you get funky comps like 3 ret palas and things like that. Just because rets are more popular to play.
Does M+ have problems? SURE!. Focus on fixing those. Dont be like the PvPers that supidly thought that a computer algorithm will magically fix that 99% of problems that lay underneath the rug.
You seem to not like caps. Either way, it is your problem.
Because while you are waiting in Donorgal for an LFG group, now you can express your frustration into topics that actually will create an impact. Instead of a Solo Q which wont.
My opinion will not make an impact because to Blizzard it doesn’t matter. If my opinion mattered the game would have been completely different.
Unfortunately, freedom of speech is allowed, so if my opinion is somewhat impactful, it’s a passive win for me. I will not allow anyone’s opinion to bend my own if I still don’t agree to it. As a person who shared your thoughts, I respect them and when you calmly explained why it is wrong you might have impacted me to think otherwise.
Approach matters, it’s not about caps only, it’s about how aggressive your messages are. There is no need for that. You cannot make me stop executing my freedom of speech by typing “snowflake”, or daddy blizzard, or anything similar in caps lock. That only makes you bad and your opinion less worthy to the same Blizzard 6ou’re worried I could impact.
Now that you calmly explained what you think is wrong about my suggestion, you won me over for some points you argued, and you probably won others over too. Conversation is key.
Also, I never said I was waiting, nor have I said I want or can or cannot play the keys I want. My post is maybe for someone else (the majority I was talking about).
Thank you for the latest polite arguement. It was enlightening.
The problem is, it´s not a solution, it´s a DOA queue filled with DPS, DPS and more DPS that will never find a group.
Because no tank or healer worth their salt and in their right mind would actually use it when then can simply continue to play with friends /communities orhand pick their own groups with a reasonable chance at success.
For example, the “healers” you would get would be the same ones you get in timewalking, LFR and HC dungeons: Ret paladins, shadow priests, Boomkins, enhancer Shamans, Windwalker monks that can barely keep themselves alive much less actuallly contribute to the survival of others.
THIS is the solution. And the way to make it more attractive is for people (=tryhard DPS) to stop being a phallus towards tanks and healers 24/7 and always act like they know everything better.
I haven´t tanked or healed for randoms since BfA, and I´m definitely not going to start again anytime soon, because I have a functioning guild and don´t need to subject myself to that level of idiocy. And a random queue that effectively turns me into just another NPC in the minds of the self absorbed DPS will do absolutely nothing to change that.
The 10% that engage with the forums won´t have a noticable effect on the 90% that don´t, otherwise the game community would already be wildly different than it currently is.
And you can protest as much as you want, it still won´t change that most people play this game for fun and not to be berated by a know-it all blowhard in 3/5 runs for not choosing to attempt some wildly riskly MDI tactic that even the top teams can´t pull of 8/10 times.
You have to understand that I have been here for a long time. Not as long as some people, but long enough to be tired of these type of posts.
Especially from people that will absolutely not change their mind at all, even when the facts are presented in front of them.
And I am particularly protective of the only game mode I play. I literally only log in, run dungeons, log off. Thats it. I dont quest. I dont farm. I dont raid… Only M+.
But hey. If our opinion dosent matter, why do I even bother answering in the first place?
Because this statement is only partially true :
Blizzard does not read anyone’s opinion. But they do look at trends. If many people complain about something, they will eventually hear about it.
And as I said. DDs waiting in queues is a problem. And there are a lot of people complaining about it. Blizzard is aware of this.
I just want to make sure that for every Solo Q post someone does, there is an equal response rejecting that proposal.
People spammed “I want healers to heal and tanks to tank again”. So blizzard listened. They made tanks have to deal with mechanics, and dungeons with damage for healers to heal.
And what Credulon is referring to comes from another time when those two rolls were considered the “easy rolls”. In SL for example, there was so little damage to heal that the healer was looked almost like a “carry”. But there was no shortage of healers though.
Fortunately, today that is not the case anymore. 99% of DDs understand the importance of a good healer, and a good tank. Because they see the impact of a bad one really fast. But so does anyone that actually tries healing/tanking. They notice really fast when they are not playing correctly, and mistakes are really obvious (wipes).
So the solution is a lot more complex. You need more sophisticated tools and solutions. Things like capping damage on certain abilities. Things like proper healer DPS rotations that synergize with HPS… Blanket % buff/nerf simply wont cut it.
I understand where you are coming for and what was your reasoning for such responses, but you can always expect backslash and foul words from others, community not liking you much on forums, just because of that. People don’t know you’re old or new, bitter about something, hurt or that you are trying to stop something from happening by using force (in this case bad approach in writing). If I started eliminating everyone who doesn’t think like me, or if I did that for the greater good in the future (knowing I’m right and knowing they would make the world worse by doing what they are doing) not many people would’ve lived on this planet. And guess what, I’d be a crazy guy!
All I’m saying is, no matter how awful my suggestion sounds, or anyone’s, you counter it with your own facts politely and you are already winning the argument. Extra adrenaline, testosterone, anger or spite added into it is only making the one’s who read this dislike you, and it already makes the wrong suggestion more likable. I know you didn’t ask for my advice and that you don’t give a flying F, but you are able to change my mind or anyone’s minds with simple words and discussion, regardless of how many wrong and possibly impactful things you hear.
This is not a new trend though, and they already know according to Ion Hazzikostas that Mythic plus is having these problems (with or without my suggestion). If they really read what I wrote, they are bound to read your comments and counterarguments as well. They already said they’re going to change things slowly. In my opinion that has to be faster than it is at the moment, just because of dissatisfaction created by this game mode.
And yet people hated Shadowlands for no reason whatsoever. I personally liked M+ in that expansion, but people changed it. No matter how much they liked that game mode, the changed tanking and healing because some of them didn’t like that style. I really don’t mind people’s wishes for the game to come true, but certain people had good influence on others (and I don’t wanna talk about those people because I wouldn’t stop saying things that would get me banned for it).
The solution isn’t going to be made by them sitting on our money drinking pina coladas on Venice Beach. The solution comes from their workforce and brainpower who’s salaries we are paying by a game that is Buy to play, pay to play and pay to win in some amazingly covered way. But that’s again, another different thing not connected to what we talked about.
Regardless of everything, the game will live on without a single change because WoW just won’t die overnight. It’s a good game, but it needs to do better.
And yet those tryhards dictate the flow of the changes from alpha all the way to it’s release date and beyond, leaving the fun out for those in between the casual questing people and MDI wannabes (the majority).
Most players who want to succeed will still use premade groups because they have control over what will be picked for the team composition.
If you didn’t know, team composition and the classes you pick will heavily influence your key. You don’t want a group full of melee classes, but yet I often see people putting together groups consisting of full melee classes, like two warriors with a paladin. Then they wonder why things aren’t going great.
Your system is just like the random group finder, where five NPCs are put together and most of them can’t even press WASD or any movement keys they have bind. You can already see this happening in keys around +2-6, where people literally go in without even knowing their own class, and there’s an entire dungeon’s worth of mechanics they need to learn.
A system like you suggest will only work if the dungeon is like a HC dungeon that you can just blindly go through.
Even solo shuffle doesn’t work. It’s good content, and I like it for the rewards from PvP, but as a PvP mode, it doesn’t work. If you’re a competitive player and you like PvP, you still go into 3v3 or 2v2 with your own team.
Look. I dont want to be mean. I know I am agressive with my opinions, but I never insult anyone. And I am fine with it, and will continue to do it. Why ?
Because of this:
You said it yourself. But that goes both ways. You cannot expect to keep the right to say whatever you want here, while simultaniosuly give me lessons on what to say and how to say it.
If you do expect people to uphold some “rules” on how, and what is being said. Then you must uphold some rules as well. Particularelly, this one: Which are the forum guidelines :
So you should have searched the topic, and found out the answers yourself.
What you just did is the equivalent of walking into a bar full of people minding their own business and shouting out your political opinion on Trump. Because this M+ solo Q topic is a very heated one (as you would have seen from searching it).
And you expect people to somehow remain civil in a context like that?
Again. I dont want to be mean. But like I said. Freedom of speach goes both ways. And you should be mature enough to understand that sometimes, what you hear wont always be sunshine and rainbows. And that is OK.
Ion is in a tough spot when it comes to this. Realistically speaking, anything he does is bound to bother a large section of the playerbase.
Because opinions are split 50/50 on most subjects. Like for example Healers. You want more healers? Nerf damage. But then 50% of the healer mains will complain that people are running 4 DD comps. So up the damage so healer heal. Then 50% of healers say they are “stressed” and there is too much stuff going on.
So in Ion’s defense, he does the only thing that he can realistically do. Apply changes slowly so that we dont notice as much.
I disliked SL. Because I spent 2 years doing the same thing basically. Even good dungeons become boring after a while.
And then, you assume that there were “a few” people wanting changes. That is not true. There was a large section of the playerbase that fealt like healing/tanking was not rewarding enough. Boring even.
By the end of SL you had the oposite effect: Healers/Tanks rerolling DD because it was more fun to play that. And you continued to have a shortage.
This is something you absolutely assume. If you look at the reality, you will see something different.
And you should be carefull with the categories “casual” and “tryhards”. They are not well defined.
I can give you myself for example: What exactly is a “tryhard”? Someone that spends 4/5h every day playing the hardest content possible, farming the smallest advantage, and pushing keys to +30…
Or me: Which pays 2/3 days a week for 2h but enjoys “hard content”, as in keys above a +10. I will never reach title range. But I will never do keys bellow a +12 for a whole season.
Am I a tryhard? And the same idea goes for the term “casual”.
Why is this important? Because I was one of those that said that healing was boring in SL. And that I wanted more challange. And I am certenly not an MDI wanabee.
What you are actually observing is Blizzard trying desperatelly to make M+ cater to everyone. To ALL spectrums of “casual” and “tryhard” and everything inbetween. And of course, making everyone happy is not realistic.
And many people come to the forums complaining that M+ is not “for them”. Which is true in part. Because M+ is for “everyone”.
It’s one of those where you fantasize about this great outcome but the reality will be dumpster fire. Like seriously, who is going to queue up for a ToP 10 as a dps and then expect the queue to pop this century.
After season 1 with the tankbusters-fiasco in every trashpack blizzard actually changed the current dungeons so there are less. So 1: yes we have complained. and 2: action has been taken.
It is week 2 of the season. We have to see how the current season will be for at least tanks.
And even if it does, people are going to look at the group of Protwarri, Havoc, Rogue, Shadow + Windwalker and say “nah, no Cr+no Bl, let’s not and say we did” and gladly take a 30 minute debuff.
That would be great if season didn’t last for 6 months
According to the article no one read, that’s not possible.
Yes, especially if they stopped arguing without reading the article.
The system is the same as it is today, the 90% of the change is actually saving your time looking at the pop up window while sitting on a bench in Dornogal and instead doing something else meanwhile.
The system I suggested is not a pure solo queue that get’s you with random people you don’t want.
If you are pesronally tilted about the “hated” suggestions over the years, by all means, reply as you wish, but expect a backslash from people every time. With that said, admitting you like to agressively speak, you will keep hearing from these kinds of posts all the time while you’re gonna be the only one tilted, angry and make an example of how bad you communicate. Since you even brought up politics as an example, that’s what the world calls “a typical lefty”.
That’s only IF no one joins. The suggested system, again, finds you what you would’ve cherry picked yourself.
That is the thing. In order to offset the a randomized selection of players, which would practically guarantee key depletes across the board, you need to attach conditions to your system.
But the more “conditions” you put into the system the more it will look like the current one. With some “on demand” classes with on demand skills will find quews faster. And the rest wont.
You have a spectrum of “results”: On one extreme, a system that simply makes you waste your time in guaranteed depletes. O the other extreme, a system that is exactly the same as the one we have now (choose over-qualified people), but with extra steps.
And all the grey zones in between are not better. That is the essence of why a solo Q wont work.
The typical “Leftys” are not agressive with their speach. They impose what the speech has to be on others. If others have the right to say X or Y.
Like I said. Freedom of speach. It comes at a price, that sometimes you dont hear things the way you want to hear them. And that goes both ways.
Its easy to tell people how to communicate. But simultaniously you have to communicate properly as well. Dont want me to say things agressively? Then dont say things that tilt me.
Or. We can simply say whatever we want and be mature to live with the consequences. its just words after all. I am not punching people in the face, or personally insulting or harring them. So its not a big deal.
Everything in life has consequences. Good or bad. Maturity is knowing, and accepting those consequences. And especially knowing that people are different.
You on the other hand, impose rules on yourself expecting others to do the same. And get surprised when that is not the case.