M+ soulution (suggestion)

please, kindly read the entire article before sharing thoughts, cause otherwise your questions might be already answered by the article itself and not knowing that is making conversations difficult, thank you

There are various issues people have been complaining about since its existence. Most common of them I heard in the recent seasons are affixes, key depletions, World of Waitcraft (queues), leavers, etc.
Recent changes to high keys +12 and above and low keys +2 and +3 are certainly a QOL change, but the issues remain and the satisfaction of players always drops when the season passes its first few weeks. It’s an undeniable fact M+ players who are not pushing it far (more than +10s) are not doing it because of the issues mentioned and they end up leaving the game until next patch comes around.
This is a big problem for not only those people, but the game itself, so resolving it to a considerable extent is a win-win for both players and the company.
My suggestion would not fix all the problems of M+, but it sure will lower the dissatisfaction big time.
How about they add a simple queue, like a dungeon finder but for M+? A dungeon finder was introduced to make it easy for the players to find people to join their groups so they would stop stressing over finding them manually. That was a great addition to the game, but according to people who criticize the addition, the overall MMORPG player base lost a major part of their conversations in the zone chat, thereby the overall soul of the game which are communications between players drastically dropped.
When M+ arrived, it already had a group maker installed, so again, finding players wasn’t achieved in the general chat.
The reason I speak of this is simple, making a finder for M+ will not break any communication system because there is almost none of it to begin with.
Hear me out!
I don’t want this system to go away, in fact I want it to stay. But let’s talk about how the addition this kind of a finder would work.
For example, if you want to join a M+ 10 Theatre of Pain, but you don’t seem to get invited into a group for hours, or you don’t posses that key, or you do but it’s +9, but if you finish it, it will change into another dungeon, you can simply queue for it!
How does it work?
The game already knows your class and race, all you have to do it specify your role. The game already knows your item level, your Mythic Rating and your previous timed keys. Instead of waiting on others to invite you for so long, you’d get a simple estimated time of joining without worrying about getting declined or cancelling your queue because that group already has your role or class filled. You could queue in both ghost key run or a player made run, and the completion and timing those keys would get you same rewards, rating and a key if you don’t already posses one.
Where does the key come from?
There would be two types of keys, one key comes from a group maker, the keyholder and the other one would be called a ghost key.
The one who has +10 Theatre of Pain can make a group on M+ Finder instead of making it like now (searching for people manually). Both keyholder and queued players can enjoy the game doing something else while waiting.
The one who’s making the group would have a set of tools to apply conditions for joining their key. They can add a minimum rating, a minimum item level, specific classes (and specs) they’re after, specific races, achievements, etc.
Once the group is formed, players get a pop-up window where you can choose to cancel the queue or enter the dungeon. Once players are teleported to the dungeon, the key won’t start until the leader puts the key in. That will be the last chance for players to leave without consequence (for example, the leader is not satisfied with the choice which would be a rare thing, or someone just doesn’t want to be there anymore, or someone is kicked from the party for not having invisibility potions or someone was rude from the start or similar). In that case, players are teleported back and remain in queue. If someone chooses to leave in the middle of the run, players get teleported back, the key doesn’t deplete and the leaver gets penalty not being able to queue for some time.
The ghost key is a bit different, a player can queue for both ghost and manual keys at the same time and will get invited to the first one available. The difference is no one is in a possession of a key, but players enter to the dungeons they specified at the specified key level. For example, for a +10, players will have to be certain item level, certain Mythic Rating and they would have to have all +9 dungeons timed. By default, the game will always pick at least 1 BL player, at least 1 CR player, 1 tank, 1 healer and 3 dps. After entering the dungeon, the countdown starts (2 minutes). That’s the time you need for flasks, food, routes, and introduction. Even at this point, unlike keyholder keys, if player leaves they get penalty while the rest remain in queue teleported back. At the end of the key, all rewards are the same.
What happens with the old system?
It stays. You can always do it like you do it now, this would just be an addition to try and resolve big M+ problems people are having. I’m aware these aren’t the only problems there are to M+, but it would most certainly be a win for everybody.
The only change would be the Mythic Keystone Hero portals reward. That is not something that would be needed much if the M+ finder is installed to the game, and for those who do not use it it wouldn’t be much of a problem since nowadays you can get to places quickly (+ you can use the portals from the previous seasons). Judging by the popularity of the game and the popularity that would (in my opinion) grow, both ghost keys and manual keys would have enough people playing, but if it gets overwhelmingly popular, like enough to jeopardize the ones who make it manually or use the old system, the later hotfix of the new system or ghost keys would be (you can’t do more than 3 ghost keys daily, or something)

Your thoughts?

As a healer i have no idea why i ever would want to use an automatic dungeon finder for M+.


You will never see me queue up with any of my tank or heal characters.

Why would I? I find groups with decent players anyway.


Just looking for solutions for the majority of the playerbase. Maybe extra rewards for you minorities who heal (more io, or items or something)

It isnt about rewards. It is about more chance for a bad/good experience while i play the game. Automatic systems give way higher chances for bad and unfun experiences.

And you need those “minorities” in your group to start a dungeon.


There wouldn’t be more chance to end up with worse people than you would choose yourself. You just read it again.

Needing the minorities is true, but bowing to their commands will make them majorities if this keeps up :smile:

Thanks to addons integrated with raider io that is not true. I am not using them myself, but they are very handy for higher end content to weed out those who just get carries and therefore have the gear and score but not the skill.

Nobody is commanding anything. You are free to roll a healer or a tank and enjoy the lower queue time and higher priority in being selected for groups.

But it comes with a certain level of responsibility that you are not ready for, I guess.

Kindly, read the article. It holds the answer to that indireclty. The system does not choose for you, nor does it replace the current one. Just please read before debating, this isn’t going anywhere.

That’s a problem, not a solution. That’s one of the things this suggestion solves to a certain point.

NO. No need to “hear you out”.

There are always people like you finding excuses for the solo Q. ALL your parragraph boils down to these 2 bullet points:

Why ? (A) Lack of healers/tanks. (B) Over abundance of DPS. And those DPS have more RIO than you. So you dont get an invite.

Will the Solo Q solve this issue ? NO. It will not magically spawn more healers and tanks. And it will magically not reduce the DD over-abundance. Because even IF you randomly picked DDs (with out considering RIO) there would still be people left out. The same ammount.

EXCEPT that it would me so much less rewarding. Because if you play good. Play often. Take care of your RIO, your ilvl and work and climb your rio. The reward for that is waiting less in quews. If you all of a sudden are “overtaken” by someone with half your rio by some Solo Q algorithm… well that sucks and feels bad.

Let me re-write that for you:

You dont qualify enough for people to invite you. Compared to others that are better than you. You want Daddy Blizz to FORCE key-holders to invite you into their group just because you are a “special snowflake”.

Im sorry. Here is the TLDR: YOU dont get invites because there are countless other people better than you. WHY are they better? Because they played their own keys. That is why. THEY chose a party that could time their keys. THEY pushed their RIO.

And the ones that climbed the fastest, are those that networked. Found friends, guildies or communities to climb rio with.

And now. They get ALL the invites. And the rest of the DDs have to sit there and wait. Literally THAT.

Dont wait for a computer to do the job for you. DO IT.

Here is what blizzard can do to make it more interesing:

  • Add more rewards after 10. Like cosmetics and tittles. Because currently, you get portals at 10. A fancy achevement at +12. Then NOTHING between that, and the 0.1% title range at 22s and above.
  • Change the 0.1% title from overall, to per spec. To incentivize off-meta play. Simply put, if you play meta you will have to go really high in RIO to get the title. If you play off meta, you only need 3 or even 4 keylevels lower to get it. And the more “off meta” you are, the easier it becomes.

Those are only 2 suggestions off the top of my head. But reforming the Vault for M+ and allowing reliable Myth Track gear rewards in high keys would also be up there with these 2.


You are not solving anything.
As a healer or tank i can cherrypick the key i want to do, and the players and group composition in the current LFG. Nothing automatic will give me that. Even not when i am allowed to get paired and before the dungeon starts i am allowed to walk away.


As a healer yes, as dps it’s at least saving you time for doing something else without looking for players or having to requeue every minute

Yes but you need a tank and healer. And those players will not use your system. So your automatic system will never be able to form any group.

So you as a dps can just play like normal, or you can queue for the whole evening and after 4 hours waiting you log off.


But that’s if the system is automatic which it isn’t, not completely. Even so, having that majority 4 hours sitting and logging off isn’t helping either. There must be more they can do for the middle players with less time.

What you are saying is that if you spend a whole afternoon quewing with no results, you can now spend the whole afternoon waiting for this “Solo Q” while you farm for the whole afternoon.

It is not an improvement.

Also, when I run my keys I wany to choose who I play with. For whatever reasons I wish. I dont want an algorithm to do that for me. I know for a FACT that I will get bad results.

Here is the catch. There is more YOU can do. But you expect Daddy Blizzard to do it.

Look. Its like in the RW. If there are only 100 teacher job posts. And 1000 teachers, mathematically 900 of those will have to work somewhere else. Its a FACT.

And the schools hiring teachers will not, under ANY circumstance, take the stupid decision to NOT take the best 100 out of those 1000.

So. YOU want the teacher job? You got 2 options. “Reroll” to a different profession. Or be the one of the best 100. SIMPLE. Or open your own school. That way you can hire yourself regardless of experience.

When i dps i check a community like no pressure and i can play the whole evening.
Problem Fixed.

I am actually someone with “less time”.


As a tank or DPS as well :slight_smile:

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That community should be ingame, it’s not the game that has improved, but the third party programs.
If they’re trying to make ingame functions better than addons (I believe you saw the upcoming QOL attempt to replace some weakauras), they should also try to improve this aswell.

Yes. Blizzard should improve the ingame communities function. Right now it is too limited. A lot of M+ communities started as an ingame one. But the 1000 characters limit is not maintainable. So they moved to discord.


There is no tool (Blizz or 3rd party) to force people to talk to eachother. And there is no tool on the planet that can force people to play their own key. Or reroll a more “on demand” roll.

When I see less “nobody invites me” and more “my community is full and I want more people to talk to” then yeah… improve it by all means.

When you see “nobody invites me” in any of my past or future posts, tell me personally and I’ll send you fake threats just so you can report me so they can ban me.
I’m really glad I struck your nerve 3 times hard enough for you to reply in caps. God bless you my friend.

Try not to defend daddy blizz systems too much, they say stress can increase aging rate