M+ Title: Top 0.1%

Good Morning, I’m looking for some clarification on the M+ title if someone would be so kind. In order to get the title you need to complete some ridiculously high keys this season. What I have noticed is that some players also have alternative characters also in the top 0.1%. Will this mean that these alts will push other players outside of the 0.1% and prevent people getting this title, or would they skip over the alts and reward the other players and adjust the rating (as alts in the top 0.1% will increase the rating needed for top 0.1%)?

To give more context, at the time of writing this, there are 1361 characters in the top 0.1% for US and Oceania, 1706 character for Europe, 128 characters for Korea and 441 Characters for Taiwan. Now let’s take one region, Europe as it has the most characters, if 100 players have 2 characters within the top 0.1% then 100 characters aren’t benefiting from the title as it is account wide.

If this have already been answered could you direct me to the information as I couldn’t find it.

Its per character.

There also have been streamers boosting their viewers in the title range. For being a viewer and if you were some points behind, you could join a group, hopefully get picked and it was almost a guaranteed upgrade, looking at the strength of very top players. I had to sacrifice my soul in SL S3 to get enough points as the threshold was constantly going up in the very worst affixes last weeks by considerable numbers.

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