I have a Mac Mini M2 Pro with MacOS version 14.4
I play with classic with maximum graphic settings with 100+fps in full screen.
Now I tried Dragonflight and I have issue.
I can set only to windowed mode, fullscreen or not.
The graphic settings is maximum.
When i play in windowed mode in NON fullscreen, it is 60-70 fps
If i switch to FULL screen mode the fps goes down to 1 maximum 2 … (but wow display that the fps is 60-70)
Do you have anybody similar issue?
I found the issue. When the application is in FULLSCREEN mode, didnt repaint the the screen. So the FPS is 60-70, but didnt repaint the window, so the screen is freez. If I tab out and tab in, update the screen …
And this occurs only on the primary monitor (34" ultra wide 4k), and fullscreen mode works on Monitor 1 (secondary) in normal 16:9 4K monitor …
And everything is fine, when I tab out from the game. I see on the background that the FPS is 62, the game is works without issue. When Tab in again, the render stops
Resolution can be only 3440x1440 or 1720x720 …
If I select 1720x720, everything is fine, just a screen pixelized … so that is not a solution
Anybody can help how to solve this issue?