Mace stun effect

Every single warrior/paladin uses the same mace and this mace can permanently stun lock you especially with mace specialization on warriors. Why is the proc rate broken? When fix?

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Every single warlock fears me,why is fear broken? When fix?


This is why it stuns so often.


Amogus, I had a little scroll through your activity on this forum and on the 16th of September you commented on a post which someone was complaining about warriors,

You said that person needed professional therapy and was butthurt,

And now here you are, complaining about warriors,

I guess you need therapy.


Race change to orc, fixed for you. Now stop crying


And there is no nerf to mace stun effect so what’s the point on this thread? Right, calling people names is clearly the way to go. I honestly can’t believe you’re still allowed to post anything given how you behave.


You tell no-changes for others post now you must eat your words, go to retail.

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Tbh i can say that mace stun from talents shouldnt proc this often as it is now, u can check any old clips from any pvp warrior and see for urself its like blood crazed and enrage procs are a mess 2 it should be procing both at sametime after u be hit by a critical strike and that is not happening sometimes just proc 1 of the 2. Blood crazed procs sometimes when a mob just simple hits u

Cry about it. You’re probably 40+ and still play this game :skull:

What is the magic number for people to stop playing games?


Pretty sure they are having a stun,ning experience

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Probably around 25-28? Like you gotta focus on your life and career a lot more at that age. Unless you’re already a millionaire by that point and retire at 25 and decide to play video games for the rest of your life.

What’s wrong with being 40+ and playing games? It’s easy to play, you just have less hours available to do so. Oh, and by then you’ve realised it’s something to relax and enjoy rather than obsess and play 24/7.
Maybe look up life/work balance when you grow up…
My father plays games and he’s 85 (and is deadly at sneaking around in games).

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One does not exclude the other.

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Talk about RNG… saw at least 50+ engi belt usages in arena so far and 0 malfunctions…

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