Macro broken with latest WotLK Classic patch

The keybind the following is bound to is SHIFT + 5

/use [nomod] Conjured Mana Strudel
/cast [mod:ctrl] Conjure Refreshment;[mod:alt] Ritual of Refreshment

Before the latest patch (pre Version 3.4.1 Build 47612) behaviour:

SHIFT + 5 consumes a Conjured Mana Strudel
CTRL + SHIFT + 5 begins Conjure Refreshment cast
ALT + SHIFT + 5 begins Ritual of Refreshment channel

After the latest patch (post Version 3.4.1 Build 47612) behaviour:

SHIFT + 5 does nothing
CTRL + SHIFT + 5 begins Conjure Refreshment cast
ALT + SHIFT + 5 begins Ritual of Refreshment channel

Hence, before the patch, the game understood the difference between SHIFT being part of the keybind and it being a modifier. After the patch, it does not. How should I modify the macro (without changing the keybind) to maintain the pre-patch behaviour?

P.S. Removing the [nomod] bricks the macro and none of the other functionalities (outside consuming a Conjured Mana Strudel) work.

/use [mod:ctrl] Conjure Refreshment; [mod:alt] Ritual of Refreshment; Conjured Mana Strudel

/cast and /use can be used interchangeably for the most part, so you can keep it as a single line which eliminates the need for [nomod]

Thank you, this is exactly the functionality I was looking for initially, but hadn’t tried to combine /use and /cast.

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