I just noticed that mount macros which use the conditions [flyable]
and [noflyable]
don’t work properly when I’m in any Khaz Algar Zone. Is seems like Khaz Algar Zones are somehow flagged as “noflayble” even though flying works in these zones.
Thus /cast [flyable] Flying_Mount; Ground_Mount
will summon a Ground mount although a flying mount can actually be summoned and used in that zone.
Similarly /cast [noflyable] Ground_Mount; Flying_Mount
will also summon the ground mount when in Khaz Algar. The exact same macros in any old zone work properly and summon the appropriate mounts.
Anyone experiencing similar problems?
I havn’t got EA so not able to test this yet but if i understood things i read then normal flying isn’t available immediately in the new zones, only skyriding?
This was the same in DF before they added in normal flying and i had to create a macro with an extra conditional for DF zones. [advflyable]
, so maybe that’s the same case now.
The macro i used (and still do) as an example…
/cast [swimming,nomod] Brinedeep Bottom-Feeder; [btn:2] Netherlord's Chaotic Wrathsteed; [advflyable] Highland Drake; [flyable,nomod][flyable,mod:alt] Corrupted Dreadwing; Netherlord's Chaotic Wrathsteed
/dismount [mounted]
It meant that if i was in a DF zone it would summon a DF mount, other flying areas non DF mount, ground areas my ground mount and when swimming, my underwater mount.
Of course now all zones are advflyable
so the macro now summons the DF one everywhere pre TWW so the flyable
just gets ignored now mostly if your in skriding mode but if i switch flight mode to normal then it will use the flyable
mount, so it still serves a purpose to have it there.
I added the [btn:2]
(right click) modifier to overide the defaults as in some cases i want to use the ground mount instead of flying (like in some dungeons).
Ya, Ráevelyn’s right. There’s a new pathfinder achieve.
Tank you! That was the problem. I don’t use traditional static flight anymore and didn’t think of it, and of the fact that’s it’s still disabled until pathfinder. I replaced all flyable
conditions in my macro with advflyable
and now it works perfectly in the new TWW zones.
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