Macro help please

Hey guys , i wanna make this macro work somehow

#showtooltip petMoveTo
/petMoveTo [@cursor]

if anyone can mange to make it work please write it bellow

im trying to make macro to move my cursor to spot where i want my pet to be and when i press it again to make pet to follow me

Ye, that won’t work. It will work after a fashion without the [@cursor], which doesn’t work on pet commands.
Then you will command pet to follow with first line, but second line cant execute until you input the cursor location by left clicking. If you instead cancel by right clicking, it will cancel the second line and cause pet to follow you. Or more accurately, the macro will execute first line if you don’t do anything. So if you click, then just don’t left or right click, the pet will still move to you.

Now, if [@cursor] did work for pet commands, the second line would just cancel the first line every time, and it would just be a pet moveto macro.

But you can do this:

/petfollow [mod:alt]

That will make the button petmoveto when you press it, and petfollow when you press it with the alt modifier.

You can also add spells to it, since pet commands are not on the gcd.
Here is an example of a macro I used while leveling:

/petfollow [mod:alt]
/cast Hunter’s Mark

But you can’t do #showtooltip for pet comands either. But you can find the icon in the list and select it manually.

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Thank you so much , also love the hunter’s mark one :+1:

like i wanted to make a macro but i guess the one you gave works , its good if i play hunter/demo so i have controll of the pet atleast

You are welcome. You can also add /petassist and /petpassive in there if you have a need for it.

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