Are macro’s “broken” for anbody else? Broken meaning, the macro itself works (it casts the right spell), but the icon displayed isn’t updated correctly. Seems to be quite recent, broke in the last couple of days/ last week. Tested with all addons disabled, still broken, works on 10.1.5 PTR. It seems to be related to targetting/ mouseover, but modifiers work.
For example this simple macro for priests doesn’t update correctly for me:
/use [help,@mouseover] Purify; [harm,@mouseover] Dispel Magic; Mass Dispel
To clarify: I’m not asking for help with the macros, I’m quite proficient with them, and they DO work in the sense that they actually cast the right spell. The issue is the icon not updating, which I suspect is either to breakage in the Blizzard UI or due to a setting that may be interfering.
Update: I found the root cause and solution to the problem. As it turns out, everyone who thought there was sth wrong with my macro were wrong, the macro text was perfectly fine.
The root cause is that when you change a macros name, the UI will very unhelpfully change the icon selected to the currently active spell for that macro, away from the question mark. The solution is very simple too: just change the macros icon back to the question mark, and it should work again.
You have 2 abilities listed for the harm mouseover (Dispel Magic and Mass Dispel), could that be causing the icon to not change? Surely some sort of modifier would resolve that?
This stuff just keeps getting weirder and weirder. While trying to locate the problem, I simplified both my own and your macro until they’re the exact same. Yours works, mine doesn’t. Exact same macro text!!! WTF.
I’ve ran through several problems debugging in my WoW life, and it rings a bell to me that the /use is for items, and /cast for spells. However, I’m unsure right now if /use works on spells too. Give it a try anyway, and report back with the results!
To add, the command /use and /cast should trigger the same abiliti wise, but maybe it isn’t the case for the #showtooltip function, so yeah, report back if it helped!
If you don’t specify what tooltip you want to show, it will change depending on the conditional.
So if you have both “help” for Purify and “harm” for Dispel Magic, depending on who you mouseover it will show one or the other. If you do not mouseover anything, it will pick the icon of the first spell listed on the macro.
To avoid this, if you want to show one of them specifically, simply type it after the #showtooltip part of the macro (#showtooltip Purify).
I’ve come across this bug too with Macros that have worked for years. Same scenario where the icon does not update as it should but the macro is perfectly fine. It’s a weird bug (which i’m sure that it what it is) as one minute they are fine, then they start to play up, but days later they just start to work once again.
I also noted it’s target type macros effected and i don’t seem to get any problem with ones using just modifiers. I have even copied the exact same macro , just changing the spells out, where one works and one does not.
For me this problem comes and goes but it only started with the new UI.
That’s what OP wants to happen but the bug is it doesn’t do that as it should.
Do you maybe have some white-space characters in one of them that’s making a difference? Can you copy both macro texts into a proper text editor and compare them?
Creating a new macro, preferably with a different name, and pasting the macro text. Sometimes renaming the macro to the original name breaks, sometimes it doesn’t
Given that the name of the macro appears to be involved, I suspect ActionGetTexture(), which is the function that returns the icon for a specific ActionBar button, uses some kind of internal “cache” or other mechanism that can break.
Yeah i had thought it may be a caching issue of some sort too or something going on in the macro-cache.txt file where the macro’s are saved but havn’t bothered to dig that deep to try find out.
I’ve have noted the odd occasion though where an action button that has a spell or item assigned to it (non macros) can appear empty or show a question mark but the spell or item is actually still assigned if you click it. So that does make me think it’s more related to the ActionGetTexture() and nothing to do with the macro-cache as it does not just effect macros.