Macro - if target has aura

Hi all, I wanna create script to cast different spells depending whether aura is present or not. Ended up with this:

/script if (AuraUtil.FindAuraByName("Flame shock", "target", "HARMFUL") ~= nil) then CastSpellByName("Flame shock") else CastSpellByName("Frost shock") end;

But at the end I found out that the CastSpellByName method is protectes - so I assume it can be used only in addons?
Any tips?

Not possible. You’re essentially trying to create a bot.


Not possible what? Write an addon? :smiley: dude think first please

What you’re trying to do is not possible.


Its possible if I write an addon instead of macro didnt it? So I asked for any tips(like another way/existing addons/some usefull links). Your answer do not provide any of it - so please dont spam

Its not possible as a macro, addon, or in any other form and, if it was, it would be considered automation which Blizz bans people for.


I provided the function which does this! Stop sp IT IS POSSIBLE
Here is a link -_- wowpedia. fandom. com/wiki/API_CastSpellByName

And if you click the links on that page explaining about secure code, you’ll understand why it’s not usable by anyone who isn’t writing WoW source code.


You are wrong. If you would actually read - you would see " Frames that are created from Blizzard’s secure frame templates are also created secure." -_- Please ppl stop SP! If you do not understand the topic, just let it empty - no need to create a lot of spam

It is not possible.

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Why not? :smiley:

Secure execution profoundly limited what addons could do beginning with Patch 2.0, and was widely perceived as necessary to protect gameplay from cheating. Before this security model, addons were capable of vastly automating gameplay by choosing who to target and what spells to cast.

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