Macro to open Interface Windows

I have tried searching before posting, so I apologize in advance if I’ve missed an already existing topic about it.
I’m looking to create a macro that will open my Professions Tab, that way I can save a few action bar slots that are equipped with my Cooking,Gathering, Production,Fishing and Archaeology Professions.
I am aware that I can just use a keybind for it, but I want to have it on my action bar instead.
The closest thing I’ve found is some poster asking about how to make a macro about their “Tailoring” or “Jewelcrafting”, but that is not what I’m after.
Is it possible for macros to open windows for us?
And if it is, what is the command line for it?

Thank you!

/script ToggleSpellBook( BOOKTYPE_PROFESSION )

Thank you, Sandsh! <3

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