Hello. I am having real trouble getting a macro to work. I am trying to cast both dispel and purify on the same bind ® with no modification, then only cast purify on myself with shift R then with ctrl R i want to cast either dispel magic or purify on my mouseover. This is what I have;
/cast [nomod,harm] Dispel Magic;Purify
/cast [mod:shift,@player] Purify
/cast [mod:ctrl,target=mouseover] Purify
/cast [mod,ctrl,harm,target=mouseover] Dispel Magic
I know its rough, im sorry!
Any help appreciated, many thanks.
This is what I use. You could add shift @ players to it.
Alt: Mass Dispel
Harm: Dispel Magic
Default: Purify Disease/Purify
/cast [mod:alt] !Mass Dispel; [spec:3,@mouseover,help,nodead] Purify Disease; [@mouseover,help,nodead] Purify; [@mouseover,harm,nodead] [harm] Dispel Magic; [spec:3] Purify Disease; Purify
This is what you asked for, with support for Shadow.
/cast [mod:shift,spec3,@player] [mod:ctrl,spec:3,@mouseover,help,nodead] Purify Disease; [mod:shift,@player] [mod:ctrl,@mouseover,help,nodead] Purify; [mod:ctrl,@mouseover,harm,nodead] [harm] Dispel Magic; [spec:3] Purify Disease; Purify
absolutely perfect. thank you so much
November 6, 2020, 5:23am
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