Macros question!

hey DH gang, i was hoping someone has an answer on the following question -
is there a macro that can be used on warglave oneshot to demon thats spawns from being a Necrolord without switching targets? just hit macro and it oneshots demon without loosing focus on main target for example in PvP. thanks peeps

/target nameofthedemon
/cast Glaive Throw

But better:
/cast [@nameofthedemon] Glaive Throw

Because last I heard (which to be fair was like over a decade ago), target switching resets your swing timer but the second macro won’t.

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No, there is no working macro to auto throw the glaive on the Demon that spawns. Many use a mouse over macro to kill the demon, but what they also miss is the fact that they lose out on damage by doing this.

If you Throw Glaive directly at your Demon you will then apply 1 hit of the Fiery Brand to the Demon that dies and also a 1 hit of Fiery Brand to your target.

If you instead wait until the demon is close to your current target and Throw Glaive on your target so it bounces and kills the Demon you will instead apply 1 Fiery Brand that hits your target from the AOE explosion and additionally another Fiery Brand that you cast on your current target when the Demon dies. So by bouncing it you hit your target 2x instead of wasting 1 Fiery Brand that is cast on your current target when the Demon dies, and in this case it is the Demon so the extra damage is then wasted so to say.

But here is a Mouseover macro that should work as a mouseover to not have to change target for Throw Glaive if you feel you need it.

/cast [@mouseover,harm,nodead][] Throw Glaive

Have a nice day.

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