Hi... I'm interested but i came to expansion a little late so a bit undergeared atm.
Currently a resto druid...
Currently a resto druid...
Running Normal clears to help boost anyone who is not familiar with Heroic content or still lacks gear. Get in touch with us if interested.
Recruiting 1 tank, melee and ranged dps.
Recruiting 1 tank, melee and ranged dps.
Bump - We are now only taking DPS players.
Normal has now finished
4/8 Heroic progress.
Normal has now finished
4/8 Heroic progress.
5/8 recruiting DPS
Bump - looking to boost our raid size by taking more dps.
Hit us up in-game to find out how you can apply
Halloween bump
H 7/8 worth a mention
Recruiting all roles for Heroic raiding.
I am very interested, looking to make this character my main, giving up my alliance character.
10/11/2018 19:56Posted by LedouxI am very interested, looking to make this character my main, giving up my alliance character.
Awesome, contact any one of us in game:
As of recent 8/8 and starting our Mythic runs. We are looking for more core raiders, also open for socials, mythic+ runners and pvp’ers.
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We are still recruiting (3rd Dec)
We just need those extra few faces so that we have a complete team.
Although we are recruiting all skilled individuals, classes we would be very welcome to have amongst our ranks are:
Resto Druid
Holy Pala
Any tank (ideal if you played more than 1)
Bump - still looking for hero/mythic raiders
Im Would love to join, 361 bm hunter