I had a lobby against dev, ele, priest and BM. It was hard and had to dance and jump all over the place. AT purged 8 out of 10, so what do you think is in the dev team’s brain when they want to change AT to be affected by dampening.
Even the overcharged armor looks nice but 5 secs for a mage it’s nothing. Mages dies fast with a barrier, let alone without.
Aff, sp melts Mages. Are you struggling now against other casters? Do you think mages will be worse in 11.1?
I stopped playing pvp because i feel mages are in a bad spot. I think mages will be worse in 11.1 , for every expansion my rating has go down. When you meet bm hunters it feels like a 2 vs 8 game. An yeah other casters melt me too. Warriors rogues and other meleecasters are terrible to meet as well. Cloth in arena is outdated.
I don’t even PvP and looking at those changes, it hurts.
They’ve nerfed survivability into the dirt and then reduced the number of procs, while also increasing the cooldowns of instant casts. In general they’ve just nerfed our damage everywhere, even in PvE, where we’ve only got 2/6 A-tier specs at best.
So they want you to stand still and cast, but also don’t want you to survive long enough to do it, nor hit very hard, and there’s still no interrupt protection either… Mad.
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