Mage 4th spec

what is your thoughts on (void) be the new spec for mages
lore wise there is nothing stopping mages from tapping into the void.
i love the idea, personally i know alot of people that roleplay their spriest as a void mage, so why not just add it as a spec?
before you say (bro spriests exist) yes but why should they be the only ones using void energy, even warlocks use some void spells, so a void mage actually makes sense.

Interesting idea, but I would rather go with something like Battlemage theme or even heal like in Season of Discovery.

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Not a fan of it for mage, given all three current specs draw upon arcane energy… and three DPS specs is more than enough, IMO. Like Ranthel, I’d prefer a healing option.

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It techically wouldn’t be a mage. Also spriest exists and is getting even voidier in tww. Also you could play void elf mage if you want. Purple arcane missles would be awesome though.

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