Mage buff when?

I want my fire blast to deal 600 fire damage so I can keep up with the 2k hp pet that tears my face off and resists half my spells, and it would still be more balanced than starsurge that has double the range and costs no mana. That’s all, no need to thank me for input, happy to help.
This is what classes would need to keep up with the clown asinine things going on, not even capping.


man i level up my new alt(hunter) they really should nerf hunters… I am so shocked man, hunter players were living the dream since launch. I both leveled up mage and warrior. They both full prebis-bis. So i know the struggle.

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What a dream ? That of not having any gameplay evolution since vanilla? To be nerfed several times because Blizzard is incompetent and the players are crying kids? To literally have 8 runes out of 12 totally useless that they could be deleted without any hunters realizing it?

You are honestly pathetic.

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what if Blizz revert the hunter’s nerf?
answer me :smiling_imp:

Lamborgimli is already laughing like Daffy Duck

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


Imagine beeing a mage and not know how to sheep a pet (:

Imagine having a 2 bit brain like yours


Once I tried to put hunters pet to sleep as an Druid… Resist, resist and had to run, barely survived this fight vs pet…

Man calm down pls, explain why you call someone is “pathetic” coz he have different opinion than you? Now without hitting you personaly - such a behaviour is pathetic imo - take note I am not talking about you but about what you did.
To the point, so because they didn’t have any “gameplay evolution” (whatever this means, can you explain?) you think it is good that that their pets can solo kill other players, resist 4/5 of CC me as mage try to put them in, you rly think this is a fair twist?

I just lvl up an alt, mage for PvP and in my impression pets have like super boosted resists like literally I hit 25lvl two days ago and played a lot of PvP and noticed much higher “rate” of pet resisting things: nova, poly, armor slow, frostbolt slow.
What the heck?

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Did I step you on your toes again with the truth? I am so sorry, next time I will babyfeed you so you get happy.



imagine being a mage and sheep 1 pet but 4 more wind serpents/scorpide/whateverpet surround you

pets are overpowered for real

but your highness meta-gang’gangster premader know the game better than everybody

you maybe don’t know but,
hunters don’t come alone in BGs nowadays, specially Orcs, with +% damage from pets and 25% stun resist

Still one who wont attack and if your team can play you could kill them right?

Did someone step on your toes aswell becuase you seem to hate premades? Imagne that beeing a part of the game, what a shame huh?


No. i’m for fair, straight fights. Premades bullying PUGs at GY like psycho require no skill. So

you can dominate in a 10 vs 10 queue, why not separate?

I’m a bigger part of the true PvP scene in classic than you, you just don’t know the

I’m Legendary, you are not

Separate queues gonna be good for both casuals and meta-gang’gangster premaders of the Owl like you



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Get a price on your head because of your skillz and come back talk to me after


I understand you hate ppl for acually having friends, its okey, if you ever need to talk to someone I can be that person, you seem to be very lonely <3

Blizzard dosent seem to wanna do a 10 vs 10?

I bet you are, becuase I dont pvp much at all, only when my friends wanna do it, otherwise I dont care at all about pvp and I never said I did anywhere did I? Cool tho you are a bigger pvper then me, really cool!!!

All you are is a pathetic, nothing else.

I guess I got more skills then you in this game overall with all the comments you do, but its okey, its only a game you know. <3

Another day another Vincentbbc topic about how he got clapped due to skill issues and needs the other classes nerfed instead of learning how to play his class.

Nothing new here folks.


lol never, have your friends, i got mines

we talk in PUGs, you underestimate PUGs

you don’t understand the state of the game…

You are just a lackey honor/rep points farmer, you have no honor/rep by who you are

If Blizzard add the solo/duo queue, people could play the game they love and pay 13e/month for

The state of Premades nowadays is just lackeys honor/rep points farmers, brainless, this resume the game to an unflavoured racing for honor/rep points

No challenge, no “WoW’s Street-rep” , brainless farm, no skill required

the only rep you got for you is to be a weak forum poster, you never make people laugh, you brainless lackey-farmer noob


:tm: :registered: :copyright:

and add to this the “win-traders” who surrender after the first flag cap



:copyright: :registered: :tm: