Mage design conclusion

I have kept myself informed every week since alpha launched(I’m not in beta) and I must say that so far Im really really happy with all the mage changes, including all the hero trees, as am arcane main I think 99% of the problems the spec had were solved and fire and frost are also greatly improved thanks to the hero trees, but there is still one or two things that really bother me: the choice nodes of ring of frost/ice nova and dragon’s breath/super nova. ice nova is a rotational ability for frost and super nova is the same for spellslinger arcane, aswell as an ability you need to take as sunfury in order to get gravity lapse, therefore locking them in with mandatory CC abilites like RoF and DB feels REALLY bad. There is an easy fix however: free DB, move RoF to choice node with mass poly(we don’t need both) and move super nova to choice node with ice nova(also don’t need both). Very easy fix in my opinion, and a really needed one because these choice nodes feel overly wrong and out out place, especially now that the major problems the class had have been solved in my opinion

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