Hi there! I’m a returning player.
I haven’t really played since legion. And now I’d like to find a guild to call home again. I like to raid, do mythic + and chill with my guild.
I’m experienced in several classes but really prefer to just play mage as I find it the most enjoyable. 
I prefer 2 day raiding guild, but can do 3 if it’s the right fit.
As a player I always show up prepared to raids and I have 95%+ attendance.
My experience from previous expansions includes:
13/13M HFC
7/7M Emerald Nightmare
8/10M Nighthold
7/9M ToS
10/11M Antorus
Transfer is possible.
Do leave a reply here if you think I’ll fit in with you guys! 
Hey bud, have you found a guild yet? If not, hit me up on bnet. Ivar#21250
Hey man,
Boogie Knights recruit too, add me if you wish.
Bnet - Tzahi#21780
Discord - Elohim (Tzahi)#0190
join us in PvE -Draenor
we are looking for new and amazing classes 
We are looking for mage for our progress . we are raiding at Wed/Sunday/Tuesday
from 8-11pm server time !
Hi there Dirks,
You sound like a good fit for my guild. If you like the sound of us too please add me on Battlenet spikey#2323 so we can have a chat.
(Please highlight, copy and paste.
hello there , we are poltergeist on draenor 2/12M with 2days raiding and recruiting atm to push further into nyalotha while preparing for shadowlands as well.
Add me on discord : Nohein/Theodore#8041 to have a chat