Experienced mage looking for a guild. I’m 34 years old, live in Oslo Norway, and I look for people to enjoy Warcraft with.
Prefer 2 raids a week with other experienced players. No need to be hardcore, but I prefer a guild that’s efficient with the time put into raids.
I like to play with people who know how to play well, but who also got other things to prioritize in their lives. My job makes me unable to have 100 % attendence, but i do Love to play a lot on my free time.
I got raiding experience since vanilla, where I almost made it to clear naxx40.
I’ve raided hard modes and I’ve been a guild master in cataclysm and pandaria where we cleared everything on the hardest modes with 2 raids per week.
You can check my feats of strength for some raid experience, but I have a lot of experience 
I’ve skipped BFA completely, but I’ve started a new mage now and curious to raid.
My goal isn’t to play as hard as I used to do, but have fun with a good team. I kind of miss that community.
I am willing to change server. And I have experience raiding in any of the 3 specs. I’ve picked night fae to be flexible with specs.
If interested, reach out!
Ps: this is my my character
Hey there!
We started a semi-hardcore guild on Outland with 3 raid days per week, sun,mon & tue between 19-22:00. The core team are experienced players who like you value life outside of wow. The guild is very social and consist of relaxed members.
Our mission is to clear cutting edge on every launch so that ofc requires a bit of commitment and atleast 90% attendance on raids. But if you’re interested in hearing more add us and we can have a chat!
btag aydin#2988
Here is a link to original post!
Thank you for the time you are gonna spend reading this and i hope you read all of it because there is information spread around throughout the whole post! You might see something that triggers your interest to give us a try!
About us:
A guild from a low-pop server that transferred to Draenor to raise it’s community! We have been around since 2006 on our old server! We have a core group of people that raid together and hang out in general and we want to get more people to come play with us and have fun! Everyone is welcome! The only requirement to join the guild, is to not be a bad person! There is no need to spoil someone’s game in any way, we are all here to play and have fun while doing it!
The guild stopped being active on BfA and we are now once again going active for Shadowlands!
Guild Goals:
- Build up the guild community! We want people to have fun playing the game!
- Build up a place for people to call “home”! A place that everyone logs in to play and have fun with the rest of the guild!
- Clearing Heroic every tier and trying our limits while having fun!
We value Real Life (we all have jobs/family/school stuff to attend to) so if you can’t make it to a raid it’s not a problem but we’d like to get informed in advance if you can’t make it to a raid.
Raiding days are: Tuesday-Thursday from 20:00 to 23:00 realm times.
Communication: We are using discord to communicate throughout the raids.
Loot: We are using the “rclootcouncil” addon currently to handle loot (it’s personal loot but the addon helps with distributing unwanted gear to others).
Everyone is welcome to come join us and hang around to have some fun playing!
Raiding wise: All classes and Specs are welcome but limited Spots for Tanks and Healers.
People to reach out for more information/to join:
Akiiza - Akiza#21144
Jackrazor - xtrodinare#2690
Rècklèss - raxix#2702
Muttsurini - VolJin#2151
TOOTH AND FANG COMMUNITY!! ( Founded 2017 - EU -Draenor- Horde )
Community Status: Semi-Hardcore
Main Team : Wed & Thurs
Social team: SAT & SUN ( TBC) - Looking forward a RL
21:00 - 23:30 ST for the main team
21:00 - 23:00 ST for the social team
1 x Tank- BM or DH
2 or 3 Melee DPS (Pref) Range DPs will be looked at too.
this is based on a 20 man raid.
Looking for a friendly, encouraging guild to join? Well Tooth and Fang may be what you’re looking for. We welcome raiders, M+'s and socials to come and join our pack!
Tooth and Fang was founded in 2017 as a guild building a family friendly atmosphere. Since then we have grown where we have 2 raiding teams, a semi-serious for progression and experienced players and a casual for alts and those looking to take their first steps into the raiding world.
Regular M+ runs are encouraged and actively sort within our discord and guild chat.
All are welcome. Interested? Well come and have a chat and we look forward to meeting you.
Discord info https://discord.gg/KJAWssb
Feel free to share our discord link !
Look forward to meet you!
T & F Community