Mage lfg raiding guild / group


Im currently looking for a raid guild or group as fire mage for the whole cata expansion. Im a long time player and raider, having played since the initial release of Wotlk, mostly as healer. Now changed to fire mage for a change.

What im looking for:

  • pref 25 man, but 10man is also fine
  • german or english speaking
  • 2 raid days
  • aim to clear HC until next content patch
  • other activities like achievement runs are nice but not a must

Some info about me:

  • know all raids from back then
  • high attendence
  • raid prep (enchants, gems, food, etc.) and checking logs / guides to improve
  • available sunday - thursday

If you want to know more or want to have a chat, please answer this post or just add me on battlenet: Shatiel#21814

GL to everyone reading this and lets enjoy cata :slight_smile:

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