Mage Mobility shows the current state of the game

what fotm mages… mage has been lowest 3 classes in any pvp bracket for years, adn thats countijng EVOKER a new class x)

You are the perfect example why people that only play one class can’t taken seriously most of the time, completely biased. The only bracket where you can say mage has a low representation is 2v2.

You really should play a different class to see how good mage is. Play a shadow, death knight or even better, play a warrior and fight good mages.

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Very good analogy.

Even when you win you are so tilted out of your mind victory tastes like ash in your mouth.

(post deleted by author)

How often do you run into good warrior in a random bg?

Good players in general are rare in random bgs.

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blizzard pls nerf Mage frost mobility… it’s mostly un reachable…

Yeah i hope they prune Mage Mobility in the next Xpac a bit down, i still Dont understand why Frost mage´s have access to “Blast wave” and random roots.

also the cd of some spells are so low, some of these spells had 1-3 min cd back in Bfa/Shadowlands

now it have 20-37sec at max?

and let me guess its because of “m+ to make it more smooth and faster” jaaay!

@ghdzsvc$&! m+ at this point

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frostbite shouldve gone ages ago.
DB might become choice node with Dragon’s breath

but this is a thing most classes should do
the fact that WARRIORS of all things have 2 charges leap, fear, pummel, reflect, bolt, AND shockwave, add spear of bastion to this why not is just insane… im okay with them melting me if they connect when they punish me for wasting a charge of shimmer to icewall and they leap faster than my cast end, or to land a shimmer + sheep, but bolt into 3-4 mil dps is just absurd, don’t get me wrong, its not the 3-4 mil dps that annoys me, its the fact that im staring at my stunned character

in SL mage hd less knock/mobility but was HEAVILY tankier, so much tankier that on the scoreboard i was often even top healing… i much prefer a mobility glass cannon mage (or atm a glass noodle shooter) then a unkillable selfhealing mage

i remember i walked in durotar and dueled literally everything i could see simply because as necro firemage with all endurance conduits and blazing soul i simply could not die

funny watching hunters play roar of sacrifice to counter my combustion but then i just keep fireball them till they die while healing myself…

many classes rn just like mage (which recently at least lost a few choice nodes with df) have access to multiple instant ranged ccs, watch dh, just another example… i mean seriously a dh that is saying its UNREACHABLE? idk man, i see the hunt into chaosnova into eruption (yes, now its illidan grasp, nerf? buff? call it w/e) into prison, into meta immunity into shadowmeld, u start playing when he is done with all these, same with hunter stun silence scatter trap binding stun knockback, feigndeath, turtle, THEN u can start playing (add shadowmeld, why not, basically 50% of the pvp leaderboard is night elves…)

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ofc, i dont understand why they removed allot of ww mobility but every other class kept the same mobility/gap closers/ escapes

True, arcane should use arcane spell only.
Fire only fire and frost only frost and that’s it.


i mean it felt fine when every spec had arcane explosion or some type of stuff, like Frostnova as a fire mage

but currently it´s out of Controll when it comes to the utility toolkit

it feels like i have to compete with an Ford Mustang, while i drive a Fiat Panda

to reduce the cd of some defensive utility dramatically from 2-3 min cd down to 30-45 sec is idk, whoever idea it was i hope he sits in an 2hour + que and never get a que pop

Ye that’s why setup comp are bad, you can’t win on cc chain cause people always get a CD to press it’s insane, can’t punish bad plays/offensive plays anymore.

M+ design overloaded everybody with cleave / cc / self heal multiple def CD and utility :s


exactly this, makes playing frustrating even if u win

Question mark? Any Warrior that loses to an SP should uninstall.

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thats the point im making

Oh yea I see

to me it feels like everyone is driving a ford mustang if we going by that logic…

maybe ww lost the mobility and maybe some classes didn’t lose anything

but we lost supernova/db choice node icenova/ring of frost choice node
and now ring of fire/ring of frost choice node, just to name a few i can think of idk why we have “cone of cold” as arcane/fire, like, who the hell even uses this spell… it deals no dmg not even as frost with all possible talent combinations, and to take the root that last a few sec u have to burn through 5-6 talents x)
same for some other spells like fireblast/frostbolt as arcane, aside from destroying a totem or hitting spell reflect with it fireblast is a 0 dmg, has cd, no proc/buffs tied to it… it always feels like they put stuf with the intent of eventually working on something, but they leave it like that and forget about it for ages…
frost is just an example of a class that even tho it has access to explosion, and cone of cold, and fireblast and so on, spamming icelance just rewards u more… totem? icelance, dps? icelance, spellreflect ? icelance, who cares lol

as for the 1 school only, i mean… tone down micro ccs before any of that…

mage still run db/blast nova

maybe in bg´s cuz u can use in bgs consumables, net, and other pvp items.

same with "why have some classes 1000 micro cc abilities with short cd instead of just 1/2 normal cc´s with longer cd.

nobody said it´s just frost mage, close to every class with a few exceptions have this problem, but i think frost mage is the best example, because it´s really obvious and everyone hating it, even if you win

yeah but id hardly consdier cone of cold a micro cc comon… its a literal waste of global cd…

we lost supernova and ice nova

we do have, frostnova and blast wave yes its 4 different spells

no i meant everyone feels likea ford mustang because they havea solid 10 seconds of BS u cannot play agaisnt until they use, THEN u can start playing

garrotte x4
kidney cheap x3
u can finally cast ? cloak.
garrotte 4x
kidney, cheap 3x
can cast ? blind/vanish/smoke
garrote x4
kidney cheap x3
and so on

and thats the same kinda with most classes i face