pheraphs, but shouldn’t the fact that % is not azs present as people make it sound and % doesn’t even win as often count ?
believe me, i feel the same about certaina spect of pvp “id rather not play, even when im winning im not enjoying my time” is literally how i feel about the ENTIRE arena enviroment, and thats how i felt for ages, in fact im super glad there is no vault to cap in pvp anymore, i can just play FOR FUN
but tbh, as an ARCANE MAGE i rly don’t see melee struggling as much as they claim they do to catch, watcher 2 friends duel 2 days ago, arcane mage vs fury, now the fury was glad exp, and the arcane was duelist exp, i swear the fury won at full hp without that much of an issue, he dominated the entire fight
the mage did play blink over shimmeer to get away from stormbolt/shockwave but that gave the warr like 90% of uptime, after the first big burst mage was in iceblock and warrior already shattering
and warrior is “supposed” (or thats what people say at least" to be free for mages…
i think retri and ww are lowkey a bit easier nowdays compared to warr, like, even in SL necrolord warriors were a menace for mages
warrior was a free kill to mages back in the day, but there were definetly patches were warrior was doing fine but the victim mentality that most players do have makes them think its unplayable
mage feels often uplayable nowdays, its giga undertuned in dmg, and ASIDE FROM FROST it doesn’t dominate anyone 1v1
i know, this is the arena forum, but not everyone plays only arena, in fact, very few mages are, look at drustvar gg, or checkpvp stats about spec pop and check fire/arcane, frost is played because it has better ccs, better dmg, more instants, a stun and frostbite procs, and double block…
well not everyone wants to play whatss strong some people want to play what they like, and i believe the game would be infinitely more healthy if people stopped worrying about their rating and just played what they enjoyed for once… (oh btw im not playing at all, arcane and fire have become very hollow… fire dps rotation feels just bad, and arcane just doens’t have the dps and other design issues…)