Mage needs something different for sub specs

Hello fello mages!

I have long been thinking that there is something weird about mage sub specs. Even tho they play different, they essentially feel like you are doing the same thing with different colors.

What I mean, these specs feel like they are lacking some a bigger differentiator. Like as what hunter and warlock have. Hunter has pet spec, melee spec, ranged spec. Lock has pet/summoner spec, spell hit spec, and dot spec. There is bigger variation of how the builds differentiate, thematically.

Where as with mage there is spell caster with some dots and other with slowing. And one thats is just spellcast with resource monitoring. Thematically they feel the same with some changes to button actions and gameplay variations. Where as the other classes seem to have much bigger differences between the sub classes, thematically.
Obviously the mage specs play very different, but in the end the feeling is like you have thematically 3 same specs with different colors. Atleast i would hope they would lean more into the things they have if not change some bigger factors in how they work.

Fire could be the full on glass cannon, pretty much how it works now.

Frost could lean more into the CC/slowing, but should never be as strong in dps as fire.

Arcane could have something new: make it have some “arcane voidwalker” pet to tank or something to make it have a role in OW solo. Or go more into the route of augmentation and make it the second support spec of the game. Something different.

Anyone else with the same feeling or is this just in my head? :smiley:


Arcane = Bursty Cleavy
Fire = Keepy uppies
Frost = Glacials go boom

Yea, this is something I like about Warlock, they have 3 DPS specs that you play differently.

I know Mage players are not very interested in having a pet, but there’s a lot of thematically good options for it, at least one spec could be played with or to have an optional talent to play around it. Could provide some niche changes and variety in all 3 mage specs.

Honestly been kind of suprised there isnt an elemental pet for each spec, working as talent that you take. In such way that they would essentially be ignored and outpicked by other talents in raid etc but would bring tools for solo and ow.


Totalement bieng

Would love to see Blood mage become a thing. Aka Venthyr based.

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