Mage PvP without fire?

Hi, i planning play frost mage in pvp, but i hate dragon breath and blastwave in frost spec… is it possible to play it without these talents? I like frostbolt spec…or that emta ice lance spec but without fire talents.

Im not pro player or tryhard…just for fun in RBG, solo shuffle … will it be so mcuh disadvantage playing without fire spells?

I’d say DB is kinda big, as you can set up a sheep with it and it can instantly get melee off you. The alternative is fun and used to be an arcane mage ability used in their burst rotation so maybe not unplayable but I think DB is probably better.

As for Blast Wave, that’s the most fun talent in the book in my opinion. Knocking people off cliffs with it is always hilarious. I really wouldn’t recommend not having that one. Just embrace the fire. Make sure also to take the talent which increases the knock back for it tho, which has 2 ranks.

Also very useful for isolating players, creating distance between healers and their targets and serves as an extra interrupt too so very strong. Wouldn’t want to be without it. It’s won me games single handedly.

If you’re 1v1 with an enemy healer in a bg you can remove them from the game with DB, sheep, Blast Wave and freezes in a continuous cc chain which turns out to be a useful thing to do. The talents are useful in a similar way in arenas too, although it will obviously be a lot more difficult to remove them from the game completely than in a 1v1 in a bg.