The Dalaran Magic Faire is a server-wide social event for mages of both factions. It will be evenings of socializing, stocking up on your favoutire reagents, and learning. The ninth Faire will span from the 15th to the 21st of August!
Date: 15th-21st of August
Time: 20.00-
Location: Dalaran (Legion)
Faction: Neutral
Brief summary of the schedule
15th of August:
Opening Speech
Wand Tournament
16th of August:
Desolace Research Excursion [DMd event]
Dalaran Trade Night
Public Lecture
17th of August:
The Great Conjurer’s Cook-Off
18th of August:
Public Lecture
Public Lecture
19th of August:
Dalaran Debate Night
20th of August:
Aegwynn’s Enigmatic Wizard Tourney
21st of August:
Researcher’s Open Forum
Closing Speech
15th of August
20.00 Opening Speech
Location: Antonidas’ Memorial
Kelly Jendrock, hostess of the Dalaran Magic Faire, will formally open the seven day extravaganza at the eighth bell - to be immediately followed by the Wand Tournament.
20.20 Wand Tournament
Hosted by: Zyretha Snowdawn
Location: Outside the Violet Hold
16th of August
20.00 Desolace Research Excursion [DMd Event - Sign-ups necessary]
DMd by: Simetra Shadowshot
Location: Dalaran & Desolace
Coincidentally, as the Dalaran Magic Faire is taking place, the Kirin Tor is planning a research excursion to examine the state of corruption within Desolace. Posters hang upon the various notice boards around Dalaran, stating that the Kirin Tor is taking on adventurous travellers to accompany them for these field trips. Naturally in exchange for compensation.
20.00- Dalaran Trade Night
Throughout the entire evening, the local shops are open parallel to the lectures and seminars. It’s time to browse and fill your pockets with magical goods!
20.30- Public Lecture - Circumstance informing spellwork
Hosted by: Zyretha Snowdawn
Location: Antonidas’ Memorial
17th of August
20.00 The Great Conjurer’s Cook-Off [Sign-ups necessary]
Hosted by: Cassandra Hawk
Location: Aegwynn’s Gallery
The Conjurer’s Cook-off is a contest for the most prestigeious and skilled food conjurers in the world. Hosted by the incredible Cassandra Hawk! In this contest, magi will be tasked to prepare food in accordance with themes provided to them on the spot. The twist is that the magi are not allowed to bring any food or drink ingredients to the contest. Instead, everything must be conjured on the spot. These conjured ingredients must then be combined into meals that suit the given themes, only to be judged by a selected jury. The contestants will, however, be provided with a table, a wide variety of cutlery and tools as well as a stove with an oven.
OOC Rules
Sign-ups needed, contact Kelly or Cassandra to sign up. While your characters will recieve the instructions on the spot, role players will recieve them four days prior to the contest. This will offer you some time to think and research about what kind of ingredients, food and drink the WoW universe may offer that suits the theme. During the event, each participant will be judged based on their emotes and creativity mainly. For each food and drink item produced, contestants will get a maximum of two chat paragraphs to describe the appearance of the items and an additional maximum of two paragraphs to describe the smell, texture and taste. Hence, a total of four paragraphs per item. Each contestant will be asked to prepare one main course meal, one drink and one desert. All three may have different themes. The judges will award points to each contestant based on the criteria and the contestant with the most points win! Keep in mind, that there will be quite some time between the start of the event and the time of judging. During this time, you are free to emote your magic and cooking to your hearts content. The more RP the better!
18th of August
20.00 Public Lecture - Advanced Transmutation - Introductory course in reality weaving
Hosted by: Miss Mori
Location: Antonidas’ Memorial
21.00 Public Lecture - Tales from the Northrend War - Insights from a Kirin Tor Military Strategist
Hosted by: Kelly Jendrock
Location: Antonidas’ Memorial
19th of August
20.00 Dalaran Debate Night
Hosted by: Sylnoora Starseeker
Location: Aegwynn’s Gallery
20th of August
20.00 Aegwynn’s Enigmatic Wizard Tourney
Hosted by: Kelly Jendrock
Location: Aegwynn’s Gallery
Hosted in the depths of Aegwynn’s Gallery, participants of Aegwynn’s Enigmatic Wizard Tourney will be put through trials that require tremendous wit, will and wisdom. Guardian Aegwynn was perhaps one of the most clever mages this world has ever seen, countering the Legion’s wicked schemes at every turn. In her honour, Kelly Jendrock will administer the trials to find out who is the Dalaran’s smartest.
21st of August
20.00 Researcher’s Open Forum
Hosted by: Kelly Jendrock
Location: TBA
The Researcher’s Open Forum is a space for professors and researchers alike to share their brilliance, present and ask for help to further their research. Whether you only have an idea for something you would like to test, a hypothesis, or if you have begun conducting experiments or even arrived at a theory - the stage is yours and your peers are at your disposal. How can you take your research a step further?
Interested speakers:
Aranict Rushbrook
Sylnoora Starseeker
-DMd event participant reserved slot
Kelly Jendrock
Closing Speech
The event schedule is subject to change. If you would like to host an event during the faire, for example a lecture or a contest, reach out to me on discord or in-game (Kêlly). For sign-ups for the DMd events, please contact myself or Simetra in-game or on discord. Contact details are below. I will continuously update this post with more details over time.
This server-wide event is being done every 5 months to promote the AD Mage RP Discord server in an attempt to make the mage RP community more tightly knit. Please check the AA event link at the very top. Hope to see you there!