[Mage-RP] The Mage Quarter - The AD Mage RP Discord 🧙

Question: Would a character that is IC a mage, but OOC a priest fit in within this community?


Oh, for sure!


In that case, I’ll take the liberty of joining if you’ll have me :slight_smile:

Edit: As soon as I have an actual argent dawn profile for this character

Edit 2: Done.


There is now a date for the next Magic Faire! :mage:

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Hello again all! We’re doing another round of casting for our play at the Magic Faire tomorrow at 21:00 in Northrend Dalaran!


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Starting in around 20 minutes! :mage: :dizzy: :scream:

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There may or may not be some things in the works for the SL pre-patch. Soonℱ

The most magical Discord in history. :sparkles:

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[The Gathering of Magic: Whispers from the North] is game! Zyretha and Co have returned with yet another pre-patch Kirin Tor summit, this time on the 25th of September. More information below:

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