Mage rune thoughts

My thoughts on the runes for mages going into Phase 4.
I have not played arcane since phase 1 and not really any healing at all so my takes on those specs can be way off.

Fire/Frost/Arcane P1
Fire/Frost P2
Fire/Frost P3

All I want is to get away from the 1 spell rotation we have now (with the same spell aswell) for Fire and Frost.

Frost: FFB filler. DF and IL spam on FoF procs. FOrb for guaranteed FoF if you wanna pop CD’s instead of relying on RNG.
Fire: FFB/Scorch filler. Pyro on procs, FB off CD, LB renewed on explo.
Arcane: AB stacking, barrage fish for MB procs into AMs. BFB fillers, Surge when getting low (with way more regen to get back into rotation again kinda…)
Heal: Depends alot on role/raid. No real opinion here.

Adv Ward Heal Warding other players and dispell magic is a nice addition
Temp Anom Heal Values to low. Ward is just better for healing.
DF Frost Way to long CD. You get around 2 casts per boss unless the fight is super long. FoF proccing to little.
Hot Streak Fire Pyro costs to much mana, and should have its dmg highered on HS proc. FFB proc MANDO!!
Arcane(DPS) has nothing in this slot of worth… Wtf?
Regen Heal Costs way to much mana. You’d use chrono for solo heals.
FoF Frost Procrate is way, WAY to low. Can go a whole fight with not a single proc. DF and IL is super dependant on FoF.
Burnout Fire Fire is already very mana hungry, why is the 1% negative even a thing?
Enlight Arcane? Need to be higher than 10% dmg flat, and the regen need to be way higher <30% to be viable.
Burnout/Enlightenment is interchangeable for Fire/Arcane. This is a good thing. Giving players a choice.
MB Arcane Havnt played arcane since P1, but BFB should be added to proccable spells atleast. Boost speed/dmg on AM even more? Make it combine to a single AM that is instant on proc?
FFB Frost/Fire Guess its fine, no wonder its the only spell every mage uses.
SFB WHO?? Make it viable or remove/replace it with something for healers I guess…
LF All? 30s CD and resistable? WTF? Rework it to a dot, I don’t care if you need to remove the AoE of it. Just make it viable again…
MassReg Heal Lower mana cost or increase the duration.
ArcSurge Arcane 2min CD and the dmg is laughable. The regen is just a slap in the face (600 mana back at lvl 60 for full duration)
Icy veins Frost/all Fine I guess
BrainF Frost The procrate is abysmal. Need to be highered alot. Proc on cast feels so janky, change to on hit?
SP DPS Ok, but boring AF…
Chrono Heal Fine I guess
Would be nice to have an arcane/fire option here instead of SP rune that is just boring as hell.
BFB DPS Just worse than other bolts and only 9 casts useable. Meme spell? Boost its damage and make the death a long stun on 10 stacks instead or something.
Displacement PVP PvP rune I guess… Meh.
Molten DPS 5% crit armor. Fine. T1 6p just makes frost more or less forced to go Ice Armor for FoF procs, so nothing to choose if thats the case.
Rewind Heal AB just been better for healing overall, dunno if the new set will change this (Press X for doubt)
Lance Frost Should have been frost’s bread and butter but have sucked since phase 1. The damage needs to be way higher, you should WANT to use up your FoF’s on IL
AB Arc/Heal Fine, maybe tune the mana cost some. I dunno…
LB DPS Horrible ST but with no alternative so you just have it but never cast it. Should blow up way faster, as thats where the big dmg lies. On trashpulls, they are mostly dead before it explodes.
6% hit Meh Just filler crap to make itemization easier. Fine I guess.
Overheat Fire Rune is ok, just FB drains the mana super duper fast. Guess its a give or take of you wanna macro it into your rotation or not…
Barrage Arcane The dmg it has must be a bug or I call BS. Why the 3s CD? Just have it on GCD.
Forb Frost Way to long CD to be good. 20-30s should be better to atleast have 1 reliable way to proc FoF. (I dont care if the dmg need to be nerfed into the ground for that to happen)

Regen and Mass regens needs mana reduction and work with Clearcasting.
Maybe be on one rune.
Enlightment is laughable agreed.
Arcane surge is trash.
Ring slots are a joke.

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