Mage T3 Boots has same cost as T3 Legs

Just noticed when visiting LHC to buy my tier pieces that I had to little material with me for some odd reason.

After some digging around I saw that mages is the only class in-game that has a Scrap cost of 20 instead of the regular 12 for all other classes*.
When checking again, its clear that you have set the cost of Boots to be the same as Legs for mages.

Legs: 20 Wartorn Cloth Scrap, 4 Mooncloth (This is the price for Legs and Boots for mages)
Boots: 12 Wartorn Cloth Scrap, 3 Cured Rugged Hide (This is the cost for any other class)
*(Yes, I know there is other scraps and materials needed for other classes, just focus on the numbers.)

This little error resulted in the boots costing me 225G more than intended as the scraps still drops with a 1/4 chance in Naxxramas, but cloth is the only scrap that has 3 classes using it so it is around 5-10x more expensive than the other scraps as well.

Just send a request to the guild bank and if you PuG only then… i dono?

It’s more convinient to be in a guild.

That is clearly not the problem here.

The problem is that Blizzard has put the wrong material cost on the Boots, so mages has to use 8 more scraps than any other class and is clearly a oversight from Blizzard’s side.

So you choose to accept the increased cost instead of making a bug report and wait for the fix?

I don’t see Blizzard fixing this before next reset and I need my 2P. Ofc I’m gonna pay the increased cost and hope for a reimbursement that will most likely not gonna happen.

I have already bug reported it, this forum thread is to highlight the problem to the masses so they know that thier boots cost more than they thought they would for now.

This issue still seems to persist, even after a couple of hotfixes. Is there a confirmation, that the price is intended? I can’t really imagine it is.